SBC Part Two, Eagle Forum Pam Tebow momma of Tim, and Southern Babdists complicitous with soul molesting
You have to read my last blog of a couple days ago on the SBC to get the full effect of this one. By four percentage points or 660 votes SBC avoided a Brand Disaster for the time being in Nashville the last two days. After they narrowly elected Ed Sitton of Saraland Alabama and defeated the near Qanon candidate of the deepest Trump base, Mike Stone of Waycross Ga, they turned around the next day and embraced for a neanderthal abortion resolution that called for no abortions anytime, anywhere, anyway no how. Founders Calvinist Tom Ascol and his brother concocted that one.
But Sitton was a little more enlightened on critical race theory and Grant Gaines wants to be the second version of his father, and everybody prayed and went home. Baptist News Global, The Tennessean, Greg Garrison at al dot com have some great insight and coverage, and Chris Robertson of Parrotsville Tn, outside the Baltimore Community where I spent my first two years in this world has a grand piece on CRT and his local Tn State Senator Faison from Cosby. Chris needs to come over to Gaffney SC and pray with Congressman Ralph Norman and folks at FBC who seem to have lost their way on some of the political issues since the halcyon days of Jack Causey, Everett Chapman and Johnny McKinney.
Tim Tebow's Momma Pam was Eagle Forum woman of the year 2018. Jerry Vines the Birch society inflected pastor of West Rome BC Ga before he became Pam and Tim's pastor in Jaxville is a piece of work. Eagle Forum a few days ago jointed with the Alabama Policy Inst of Phil Williams, my former state representative in Bama, to statewide denounce their distorted view of CRT. These little cells of slick right wingers are pervasive in the country side of the south often masking in local chapters of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and in Spartanburg SC the FBC which has been on the CBS affiliate for 60s years and counting just like clockwork: A Litte Jesus and a lot of Birch/modified white citizens council propaganda. See Jill Lepore These Truths for more Context. Also the fellow Joe something who wrote the short story Netherworld a few years ago, his essay Dec 2019 NY Rev of Books.
If you do the wide reading on what just went down in Nashville--I would add Scott A Erwin testimony on facebook--it comes down to this. Trey Gowdy and his Training Union on Fox News Sunday nights produced in Spartanburg SC, last membership of Billy Graham, is still wining the hearts and minds of the people in the pew for variations of the Trump bloc. It started with lee Atwater forty years ago, Bush 41 signed on and then 43 with perfections by Karl Rove and Now we got Trump and Fox News on steroids and Babdists in the pew running around like chickens with their heads cut off confused as Hades about their country. Not many if any in their leadership are reading Jill Lepore, Azar Nafisi, and just a few are reading Good Faith Media, Religion Dispatches or Baptist News Global.
Sadly they are lost and cant find their way. As noted Baptist historian Bill Leonard said, the question has become just how many documents do I have to sign to be a Babdist in good standing when used to be the question was Do I accept Jesus as my Saviour and enter a pilgrimage of the warm embrace of the Gospel and the Mercy of the Saviour that bears fruit in righteousness and a life bent toward justice for all.
Baptists, too many, don't know their hiney from a hole in ground when they step in the booth or among the partitions to cast a ballot. They vote single issue abortion or guns or whatever Fox News told them five days a week to do often endorsed by their preacher who may be a jack leg.
Here is What Scott Anderson said in circa issue 117 of Christian Ethics Today, a few months ago. I hope the editors of the Gaffney Ledger, the Cherokee Chronicle, The Ft Payne Alabama Times Journal and Will Ainsworth's Guntersville Advertiser Gleam as well as the Waycross Journal or whatever, every precinct and parish where Babdists vote in hoards read the following closely.
Apocalyptic religious sects that are incredibly wellfinanced and have been building massive education, communications and advocacy organizations for the last 40 years. These groups mix nationalism with their zealous belief in an apocalyptic end-times scenario and literal interpretation of their religious texts. Predominately Christian, they do include other This Is Different: Who Stands in the Way of Progress? This new coalition, unlike what we traditionally think of as “conservative,” does not represent the majority of Americans. What they have done is finance a successful narrative and advocacy coalition that rely on fear, resentment, and disinformation to keep America divided and thereby stymie progress. 19 WINTER 2021 Christian Ethics Today apocalyptic religions including sects within Judaism. These groups intersect with many of the profiteers and use conservative theology to justify their wealth, their collaborations with non-religious actors, and believe that the “ends justify the means.” Propogandists that see money to be made in all the destructive crises we face. While most focus has been on the influence of FOX News and the Media Corp International empire, local media is now dominated by Sinclair Broadcasting. New conservative “news” sites are outpacing traditional media, and social media sells targeted advertising in an extremely coordinated manner in order to continue to build a community of consumers. YouTube and the algorithms of other platforms wallpaper consumers in a cocoon of narratives that build significant audiences and yield propagandists millions of dollars. Fear and resentments are tools for greater profits. An international criminal network that is centered around the Russian Mob. As Sarah Kendzior wrote in Hiding in Plain Sight, the elite criminal network has been building for years without much daylight between Vladimir Putin and the oligarchs ruling Russia. Kendzior writes: “Many are criminals without borders who have moved from hijacking businesses to hijacking nations. Some call them fascists; I avoid this term because being a fascist requires an allegiance to the state. To these operatives, the state is just something to sell.” Disillusioned authoritarian foot soldiers inflamed by a changing world. Thirty years ago, the dramatic events at Waco, Ruby Ridge and Oklahoma City were the actions of a new breed of domestic terrorist organizations. All occurred before social media platforms made it easier for these actors to find one another. T
Joseph Oneill, Netherlands. See James Wood review, but most importantly for this blog read Oneill in Dec 2019 I think it was.
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