Oconee County GOP christian Nationalist statement at Jeff Duncan Town Hall
Jim Mann, an Armenian, is chair of the Oconee County SC GOP. Last night July 6, at a Town Hall introduction for SC 3rd's Jeff Duncan, Mann delivered a view of American history straight from the atavism of David Barton's discreditted history.
I have reached out to Mann but haven't heard from him. Declaring this to be a Christian nation, Mann who moonlights as twice weekly chaplain of sorts to the County Jail was atrocious. Nice fellow but would be interesting to see if Duncan agrees with the statement. Thirty people lined up to ask Duncan questions, mostly about his vote on the debt ceiling, so I bailed for a Schlotzky's sandwich before they closed in Seneca.
By report Duncan is a member of FBC Clinton SC which historically has leaned toward the CBF and progressive Baptist work. A founding member of the 2nd Amendment Caucus Duncan's positions have raised concern from among others Russ Dean, whose father was longtime pastor at FBC Clinton and influencer in the town where Presbyterian college PCUSA is located. Dean's associate pastor at Park Road in Charlotte Dan McClintock knows the family of Nixon's southern strategist Harry Dent pretty well from McClintock's time at Furman fifty years ago.
So a Lot to explore here.
Wahalla is the hometown of Novelist Mark Powell. See my blog on Trump in Pickens. Mann doesnt know about Powell or his work, nor had he heard of the church state legacy of George W. Truett though he was somehow able to put him together with Truett Cathy, founder of Chic Fila.
Mr Mann and his Red Republicans of OcConee County deserve some national scrutiny with FBC Clinton and Duncan in the conversation.
Before I give up the mic, I want to offer a serious thought for this assembly:
We’ve all heard it said many times: “History Has a Way of Repeating Itself”… Can anyone really choose to ignore the next obvious question of … “Why Has This Statement - More Often Than Not - Proven to Be True??
Especially with regards to the historical downfalls of premier nations & empires
I believe the answer is simple: Because - The Lord God of this Universe is Sovereign
His Laws & Commandments That Govern His Creation are Unchanging and Unchangeable
To put it in parliamentary terms: The Ultimate Chair of The Universe Will Not Consider a “Motion to Amend” on these points!
So as Republicans, if we want to see our nation restored to Greatness, then we must insist on developing & electing representatives who graciously exhibit, AND FIRMLY HOLD TO, the Judeo-Christian values that this nation was founded upon… ratified & signed on July 4, 1776 as the Declaration of Independence! (Charters of Freedom)
Those same values are best reflected in our own SC Republican Party & GOP Platforms
I know Congressman Duncan shares this conviction, and trust that his faith in God will always direct his paths… as he CONTINUES STANDING FOR TRUTH IN WASHINGTON!
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