Christ Church Greenville's US Congressman Timmons needs history lesson re Trump and the AOC Squad
But Frady's legacy is apparently lost on a graduate of the pristine Christ Church Episcopal prep school, educating Greenville's wealthiest and most influential for 75 years or more one being Timmons, the successor of Fox News Darling Trey Gowdy in the Upstate.
Timmons equivocating, lukewarm statement on the outrages of Donald Trump's latest outrage this last week in unworthy of Christ Church, the preaching of the Great Episcopal pulpiteers Fleming Rutledge, not to mention the longstanding association, trustee networking of the school to Frady's alma mater.
Here is a history lesson for Timmons he seems to have missed at Christ Church and then George Washington.
And here is hoping this fall at Christ Church and Furman there is a review of the documentary Uprising of 34 to conflate the Professor lesson above about labor strife in America and how language used then against Ella Mae Wiggins and her white working class friends from Greenville to Gaffney up through the Piedmont of the Carolinas is the same Stephen Miller and Trump are using now against The Squad in their campaign to bamboozle white working class folks downward in resentment and despair while Trump funnels wealth upstream.
It is despicable such a polished fellow in what passes for Destination City's highest level of Southern gentility is complicit in such a travesty.
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