Fundamentalist Catholic Amy Coney lacks Church State virtues to be on Supreme Court
Let's get one thing out of the way at the outset. I was most Intellectual of my High School class in Gaffney SC in 1971 but I am satisfied Amy Coney the Catholic intellectual brings more wits to the academic table and SAT Score than I could imagine. But I have friends, I do have friends that can match wits with her and that includes at Dartmouth, Harvard, Sewanee, Radcliffe, and even an mutual acquaintance at Notre Dame who wrote America's God or some such title. I once shook hands with Andrew Cuomo who folks at Notre Dame know, Mario the Scenario.
And collectively they have a better vision for the country than Amy, Trump and McConnell.
One disaster that will forever taint her nomination is Franklin Graham's noon prayers today and then this afternoon Trump meeting with his fundamentalist lackeys who seek a preference for their brand of the religion in the public square.
I'm certain my friends at Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty in DC, one staffer from Ft Payne Alabama and another from Jackson, Mississippi whose mother was a good baptist legend of the Home Ec Department in Eudora Welty's neighborhood. Not exactly AOC or Rashida Tlaib radical wackos as Trump and Tuberville would call them but folks who understand the best of their tradition which would not seek a preference over Tlaib, AOC , Pelosi OR even the legacy of RBG as Eric Motley the Bama Republic in the mold of Frank Johnson and Abraham Lincoln testified in the NY Times on Wednesday.
These fundamentalist goons Amy is flirting with are poster childed in the demagogue WA Criswell, pastor of the FBC Dallas the last half of the 20th Century. It was Criswell whose anti Catholicism and race baiting and to use the language of Donald Trump, whose Bullshit JFK made history with in his response to Baptist preachers in Houston in 1960, now immortalized as one of the great Church state addresses of American History.
Now the righteous Amy is prostituting herself, is being played by the forces of the White Citizens Council, the Birchers, the dark money politics of the NRA , the mendacity of the anti abortion movement for the preferences of Bobby Jeffress, Liberty University, the sophomoric Truth for a New Generation conferences of Trey Gowdy's FBC Spartanburg SC and the worst elements of Billy Graham's legacy his grand daughter Jerushah Duford has gone national to resist.
So this attractive Catholic some say brilliant Mother of 7 is in the wrong place at the wrong time in American History, an occasion for the premature ejaculation of Trump, Mitch and Lindsey.
Pardon some of my unattractive analogies but I wanted to do my best to put it in language Trump and Paul Pressler, Al Mohler and Paige Patterson and the leaders of the fundamentalist takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention would understand.
For reference material I suggest Wuthnow's Rough Country, Robert Jones, White too Long, Atwater's NWord memo as framed in Stuart Stevens it Was All a Lie and the essays of Bill Leonard and others at Good Faith Media and Baptist News and Auburn Historian Wayne Flynt, Baptist Sunday School teacher and Atticus Finch and Harper Lee's Best friend in Alabama.
Also given this Trump moment of racial unrest, Amy should ask herself What would Calpurnia Do? I think I know, Calpurnia would run to Jesus to get away from these Devils who are promoting her.
God Bless The United States of America, the America of Fannie Lou Hamer, Frank Johnson, Azar Nafisi and Jill Lepore, My Momma and the best of her family who go back to 1840 in Alabama and My Daddy who as a C Student in the Baptist Seminary in the 50s with Randall Lolley and Bill Self came down on the Side of Stewart A Newman who Said: "WA Criswell doesn't speak for me."
Next time Chic Fil A and what it meant to me to be baptized in the church memorializing George W. Truett who was Fundy criswell the demagogues, predecessor. Also See Dallas 1963
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