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Born May 18, 1953; got saved at Truett Memorial BC in Hayesville, NC 1959. On rigged ballot which I did not rig got Most Intellectual class of 71, Gaffney High School. Furman Grad, Sociology major but it was little tougher than Auburn football players had Had three dates with beautiful women the summer of 1978. Did not marry any of em. Never married anybody cause what was available was undesirable and what was desirable was unaffordable. Unlucky in love as they say and even still it is sometimes heartbreaking. Had a Pakistani Jr. Davis Cupper on the Ropes the summer of 84, City Courts, Rome Georgia I've a baby sitter, watched peoples homes while they were away on Vacation. Freelance writer, local consultant, screenwriter, and the best damn substitute teacher of Floyd County Georgia in mid 80's according to an anonymous kid passed me on main street a few years later when I went back to get a sandwich at Schroeders. Had some good moments in Collinsville as well. Ask Casey Mattox at if he will be honest about it. I try my best to make it to Bridges BBQ in Shelby NC at least four times a year.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Crossblogging Noll and Marsh with Pierce and Killian

Been surfing the Baptist state convention wrapup blogs. Below I share with you my latest comment on John Killian's blog at .
Having fun bringing him and Baps Today editor John Pierce, a graduate of Berry College, together.
I would give you Wade Buleson's link but you will have to google it up.
I fear I may misspell kerosucharris.
But here is my lastest comment exchange with Killian and Bama SBC convention president Roger Wilmore on Killian's blog.

Okay good doctor:I promise to back off for the weekend but just came across this.First a little Baptist, even Alabama Baptist Geneaology tree for you and Dr. Willmore.

Kate Campbell is Jim Henry's Daughter and a disciple of Jesus Christ and Wayne Flynt.Her husband Ira was formed at FBC Gardendale where Ira's folks are still strong members.Kate is good friend and pretty close ideologically to Charles Marsh, the progressive theologian at UVA.

Marsh is the nephew of Caroline Humphreys, Fisher's Wife.

SBC IMB prodigal Wade Burleson is now quoting Marsh on his Blog.The following is from his Nov 14 blog.Would love to see Gary Fenton, Jay Wolfe, Rick Lance, and Bob Terry do something with this; follow up as it were, even read Marsh's sterling book which among other things critiques Land and Mohler's guiding light, Francis Schaefer.

One more thing I want all of you to know before the quote; Marsh formative years were at FBC Laurel, Mississippi; early 70's a congregation he shared with Charles Pickering.

All for the WMU and the BWA and miscegenation and cross pollenization
Stand up and Holler;
Kinda just kiddin but I was gettin to shoutin time.

Here is Marsh as quoted by Wade Burleson Nov 14 at his Grace and Truth blog:Wednesday,
November 14, 2007Quote of the Day

"I am struck by the absence of resistance, dissent, and critical judgment in the moral repertoire of contemporary evangelicals. These disciplines - and let us call them disciplines - are rarely intoned in our sermons, publications, and seminaries, and when they are, they are most commonly regarded as manifestations of pride. Evangelicals are quick to admonish unity when there is a whiff of disagreement in the air. Dissent must be quashed for the sake of harmonious ideals, which we consider spiritual virtues. But perhaps the situation only masks our swift retreat from the costs of discipleship, fueled by an inferiority complex, which plagues us ... We are failing to raise up a generation of Christian critics at a time when dissent should be a vital part of confessing Jesus Christ as Lord."

Charles Marsh, Wayward Christian Soldiers, Oxford: Oxford UP, 2007, 191-92. (Thanks to Matt for pointing this quote out).posted by Wade Burleson Wednesday, November 14, 2007 24
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PS; fox here
Dr. Killian and his friend at Snyder in North Carolina, as well as folks in Collinsville, Alabama who may be curious as to exactly what were John III, and Matthew and Casey Mattox exposed to at UVA may want to explore this link of Marsh and his lived theology initiative.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for highlighting Burleson's quote of Marsh. Interesting indeed.

- Bruce Gourley

12:19 PM  
Blogger foxofbama said...

Thank you Dr. Gourley for commenting on my blog.
Garry Wills was more than fascinating last night on Cspan from Grace Cathedral in SFrancisco talking about his latest book Head and Heart and his chapter on Karl Rove.
Must, must read for you andDr. Shurden over the Holidays.

11:45 AM  

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