Elvis in Memphis; Prentice in Berlin
Prentice, 71, said he was flying to Berlin and gonna visit Wartburg via Charlotte, North Carolina. Was proud to report he was reading a biography of the SBC's General Boykin, but did not say how that was playing in his Sunday School class, or if his interpretations of Boykin were inflected by Charles Marsh and Charles Kimball; or the recent consortium at Yale.
The second call was from a current reader of Marsh who recently noticed in Graceland, the only other story on the front page of the Commerical Appeal the day Elvis died was about the 2nd greatest man ever to breathe the air of Alabama, Judge Frank Johnson; Johnson's appointment to head the FBI.
This was in 1977.
Prentice said my blog was a "monologue".
That is not true.
There is just no tellin how much influence I have here.
It is linked in Blairsville, Ga. and a kidney doctor across the Great Mississippi is a reputed weekly browser.
I have all kind of intermittent reports from Baptist Historians, to Sundance film participants; from Main Street in Collinsville, Alabama to Seattle Washington and beyond from folks who peruse my etchings.
Let the Redeemed Say So.
I hear a new book about Elvis is coming out this fall. I hope folks who try to understand the viscerality of the political calculus of the Southern White Poor and Struggling will take a close look.
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