President Obama and the Nobel Prize
Click on the title and scroll around to see what Cathy of Dallas and others said
I think Cathy got it about right
by Stephen Fox ยป Fri Oct 09, 2009 2:40 pm
in her second entry.
I cannot improve on what she said.If it were possible for Obama to have turned down the prize as a little premature without insulting this august committee, I think he mighta done so.One of the more forboding comments I heard this morning has resonances of Shakespearian tragedy, hoping this prize does not turn out to be a "poison chalice."
I think Obama is a phenomenal human being, but this latest is a little too strong on hero worship at the expense of the responsibilities the likes of Richard Land and others who could tamp down the rhetoric of the likes of Glenn Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity if only they would.
Ill timed well intentioned hope for humanity is what this prize may mean.
For what it is worth, Jonathan and others, I would have voted for the Tiannemen Square 10 on this 20th Anniversary year. I hear they were sad and disappointed they did not win, but congratulated his latest honor.I appreciate their honesty.
"I'm the only sane {person} in here." Doyle Hargraves, Slingblade"Midget, Broom; Helluva campaign". Political consultant, "Oh, Brother..."
I agree. I think it was done to make a point about the leadership that the US must take in securing peace and the President's efforts so far, but much too early in his career. I also think that it was done as an "in your face" for GW Bush.
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