My Mother, Mary Katherine Reed, and Lottie Moon
One of my Mother's best friends from High School said no organization was perfect and she spoke to stay with the group that brought her to the dance.
Ms. Reed was the first woman in Dekalb County, Alabama to earn a doctorate. Hers was from Penn State and she was long time home economics teacher at University of Alabama.
My Mother received no formal education after High School, but the two were great friends in High School and held lifelong mutual respect.
I am convinced that both of them were they still with us upon reading Regina Sullivan's new book would break with the Southern Baptist Convention. My Mom broke long time ago; but I am convinced this would be the final straw for Mary Catherine.
Whether the Collinsville Study Clubs or WMU's of small town SBC America will read this book and act on their good sense and Baptist conviction who's to say. One has to hope they are having serious doubts about Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin's America and what it is doing to a once vibrant middle class.
If Lottie Moon were alive today who is she?
I nominate three women for starters.
Molly Marshall now at Central Seminary
Melissa Rogers of Wake Forest University
Hollyn Hollman of Jackson, Mississippi and the Baptist Joint Committee in D.C.
If you are a Baptist, get to know these women.
If you claim the Republican party of Abraham Lincoln, Judge Frank Johnson, even Eisenhower, get to know the great Baptist woman Lottie Moon as revealed by Regina Sullivan's new LSU published book on her.
Have your local library fast order a copy today as this is a strong compelling book about a woman who shaped her times beyond Baptist life and the regional South for the good.
If you click on Chuck Warnock, you will bring up his review of Regina Sullivan's book on Lottie Moon.
If you are a Baptist with good conscience you will make it your mission to get your hands on a copy of the book, pray over it, and channel your missions dollars accordingly.
And if you are a Baptist and a member of the Tea Party, I think you should start running away in droves or else I have good reason to doubt your reading comprehension, prudence and virtue.
Mr. fox, if you are a good Babtist, you would come bak to the church that babtized your mama. If WMU wuz good enuf for her, then it's good for me and my children, too. The tea party is better than the licker party of some backsliders and you know whut I'm talking about, don't you?
Anonymous said...
Mr. fox, if you are a good Babtist, you would come bak to the church that babtized your mama. If WMU wuz good enuf for her, then it's good for me and my children, too. The tea party is better than the licker party of some backsliders and you know whut I'm talking about, don't you?
Hey Anonymous Stevie-
Don't you be a worryin' about us Teapartiers-when I know for a fact that you can't even brew a pot of coffee!!!!!!!!
Like mr. fox; I too, am an Alabama Baptist (an active one.) and I believe the Tea Party has a role to play in the moral renewal of the USA. Why do people crticise us when all we are saying is, "Give God a chance." Rev. John Killian is a great spokesman for our cause, and I urge you to get in touch with him and help restore America to its fundamental moral positions.
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