Freedom Caucus and SBC Takeover
Though not an FC member, FBC Sburg's Trey Gowdy has all the trimmings of FC loyalty and adoration from the Tea Party and what Pressler wrought in the SBC.
Former UNC chancellor Bill Friday told Cecil Sherman in early 90s the most significant event in North Carolina in the 80s was the fundamentalist takeover of Southeastern Seminary, my Dad's alma mater. In that ACQUISTION, the politics of Pressler and Jesse Helms had a new foothold in the pulpits in suburbs and hamlets across the Southeast.
For necessary background reading see Robert Wuthnow's Rough Country on the legacy of WA Criswell; and Lee Atwater's "nigger memo."
For this cancer to be controlled Upstate SC must find a replacement for Trey Gowdy and little by little tea party districts come to their senses.
The first 11 chapters of Genesis nor the Constitution of the United States was written so we could come to the point that a 17 week old fetus take the life of a 30 year old woman or elementary and juco children be at the mercy of somebody hitting an assault weapon armed mental patient hell bent on taking multiple lives cause Tea Party Christian America thinks it better to take him out with a baseball or a bull rush or a can of beans when thoughtful people can follow the lead of Australia with a concentrated conversation referenced in the Diane Rehm discussion of MOnday at and a careful viewing of the Frontline Doc Series on PBS on the politics of the NRA.
Also see Randall Balmer's Redeemer President on the Baptist fundy politics that displaced President Carter, and Charles Marsh bio of Bonhoeffer on the politics of stupidity.
I really believe in my heart that Dr. Ben Carson is anointed by God to be next POTUS of USA !
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