Unsolicited advice for Joe Cumming for SC Governor, Time to throw the Kitchen sink re Atwater Nigger memo
Bakari Sellers in Wash Post on Monday said Tommy Tuberville can go to Hell. Tuberville in Nevada took a tour of Trump's rectum just to see how far he could get on up in there and threw all his former People of color at Aburn and their extended families under the bus with playbook straight out of Atwater's Nigger Memo. Joe Scarborough called him out on Monday on Morning Joe. And now the Clemson and Carolina trustees are struck mute with Henry Mack Master's latest campaign ads straight from Willie Horton's grave.
Joe Cumming should say something about it. Call on Minor Shaw and Baxter Wynn to denounce the ads. Call out Tim Scott. And By God call on Clemson Trustee Nikki Haley to talk about Herschel Walker, the confused Holocaust almost denier, to talk about ATwater's memo and the strategy straight out of George Wallace and Strom Thurmond race baiting hey day.
You should know the memo by now. Atwater said you can't say N I ** er any more so lets emphasize abortion, guns, and here recently CRT, Britney Griner, and Crime. After Forty years South Carolina Republicans can't understand this strategy. So much for the Rotary Club, the Chamber of Commerce, BMW and the Clemson and Carolina trustees if they cant address it now before the mid term election and address it so every hunter in Horry and Oconee county can understand it and the booster clubs for the HS football teams.
What about the pulpit of FBC Spartanburg, Are they too dense to speak out on this?
You get the point.
I saw Joe and Talley Casey Friday and one Greenville County board member. They think it would be great if some historically blue blood Republicans in the Upstate who everybody knows voted for Obama and Hillary should speak up and speak up now.
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