How does the Most Intellectual of GHS Class of 71 Change a Flat Tire?
If Flat hasn't fixed itself while Steevie is out of town. Steevie takes Monday off on return cause its rainin, catches a ride to town to get a hamburger. Tuesday is a rest day and on Wednesday he rides his bike to town, but the Mexican cannot understand him so he rides to Railroad park. A Republican passes and says Steevie should try some WD 40 overnight. Maybe that was Tuesday. On Wednesday Steevie catches another ride to town to see Duke and Villanova basketball on TV.
On Thursday Stevie checks the wd 40 as the Republican suggested and sure enough it works. Steevie Jacks up Car and takes tire up for friend to retrieve and take to Ft payne where a woman has left some at kind price.
Steevie doesn't have a spare so four days of 2017 are spent hustling.
Friend brings back tire late, I mean real late Thursday night and places on bolts for Stevie to tighten early Friday morn and let Jack down.
On Friday before the winter snow storm Steevie Goes to the Public library near the Cracker Barrel for Friday Cod.
And that is how we roll, how the elite changes flat tires in Bama, in Donald Trump's America.
God Bless the United States of America.
Oh yeah, yes I did see 30 minutes of Netflix piece Barry and I'm proud of it.
Happy New Year, ever damn one of yall.
Go Tigers, Bama needs a little humility.
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