The gods of Rain and Corn
Looks like Wilton wants his virginity back. As an old girlfriend of mine once said, I didn't know you could get it back. And No that was not in regard any act of the two of us, just something Baptist young people discuss on occasion.
Where was I. The fundamentalist world is coming unglued. The Centerfielder cannot hold.
Look what Karl Rove's boytoy (political metaphor here) Richard Land is saying today about the 4th Abrahamic Religion
Furman chaplain Jim Pitts a few years ago passed on to me a gem of religion proff Theron Price. I can't remember it now but wish I could; maybe can get it to you next time.
But find the NY Times piece today on Romney and Wilton. And read the comments. Probably a Yankee Nonbeliever wag who had the comment about the gods of milk and corn; but in context I thought it was redemptive.
On another front the Cracker Barrel Weds special Chicken Pot pie was a disaster. My sister's is exponentially better. CBarrel was not much more than glorified Banquet TV dinner today and my final total was just a buck back out of ten.
I could have the best Five Guys burger on the planet for 9 bucks; or almost three bowls of Mtn River Grill's delicious Fri and Sat only potato soup.
I love Cracker Barrel; even have been to Old Number Seven the seventh one in the chain built about 1964 outside Murphreesboro Tennessee. Had a political lunch there with two right wing Republicans but they were Civil.
But this Pot pie, they ought to scrap it or make it in house. Pouring chicken gravy over the homemade biscuits with a few carrots and English peas sprayed in there woulda been better than what I got today.
The staff and waitresses are always kind to me when I frequent nearby.
Just wanted my Mormon friends to be weary of Weds if they take a chance on it.
My friend Rabbi Jonathan Miller has good piece on Anne Coulter and the Perfected Jews if you want to google it up from Sunday's Bham News.
And one more item on the religion front.
Iran pundit had it about right last night on PBS Frontline. Speaking from his office in Tehran he said our trouble is we have fundamentalist leadership here, and you have a fundamentalist President. Both of them--holding his hand flat a foot above the table demonstrating elevation--are attempting to administer a little off the ground.
And look at Tony Cartledge's blog today about Wade Burleson and the latest Inquisition in the SBC and read the comments.
Too much going on today for bad Pot pie.
And here are comments 9-11 or thereabouts from today's NY Times
October 24th,200710:53 am
I know Wilton well, and this is nothing more than him backing off slightly so he doesn’t loose Tax-Exemption Status for using his religious influence to back a politician. He still supports Romney, he just hast to step back a bit to apease the Political Neutrality Act for tax exemption.
He loves Romney, and rightfully so. Romney is the only candidate who has the family values, moral conviction, backbone, intelectual capacity and leadership experience to be President of this Nation. We, the Religious Right all know this and plan to vote heavily Romney 08.
— Posted by Bryan
October 24th,200711:45 am
Jen, to suggest that Romney is intellectually lazy is about the most moronic post ever to grace cyberspace. To futher suggest that he would intentionally consude Osama for Obama is even more pathetic. The fact is, Ted Kennedy and CNN made the same mistake just recently. Chill out.
— Posted by Jeff
October 24th,200712:53 pm
I just spoke with the gods of corn and rain. They, too, decline to support Romney.
— Posted by albertus magnus
If we obey, we can find joy in life
Posted by The Birmingham News October 21, 2007 2:00 AM
On a Monday earlier in the month, Ann Coulter appeared on Donny Deutsch's program "The Big Idea" on CNBC. I didn't see the program. In the world of cable television, there are more and more talking heads, but the hours of the day remain the same, and no one can see them all.
But be assured, Coulter's interview with Deutsch did not go unnoticed. During their discussion, Coulter -- who like many of our talk-show personalities often has more opinions than her knowledge should warrant, and more words than her discretion should allow -- said something incredibly offensive about Jews. She said to her host, Deutsch, who is himself Jewish, that "we (meaning Christians) just want Jews to be perfected."
In the course of the dialogue, Coulter said some remarkable things: "Do you know what Christianity is? We believe your religion, but you have to obey." Later she said, "That is what Christianity is. We believe the Old Testament, but ours is more like Federal Express. You have to obey laws. We know we're all sinners."
I know Coulter is not a theologian, and she does not speak for any Christian besides herself. And she does have the right to her opinion. But my e-mail inbox was abuzz with lots of Jewish folks who are taking offense at these crude remarks.
We Jews really don't appreciate the insinuation that our 5,000-year-old faith and covenant with God is somehow lacking, that the newcomers in the religion business have a leg up on us. We don't really like any of this whole "who is closer to God" kind of talk. My faith, practice and commitment as a Jew are not things that need to stand in measure to Christianity or any other faith practiced in America. They stand on their own. And the same is true for Christians or Muslims or Mormons or Buddhists or Hindus; their religious faith and practice should not be measured by Jewish standards. That would sound awfully presumptuous to others, and it is hard to imagine God would appreciate this human hubris.
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