Ike's GDaughter's Obama endorsement speech
Overseas, our credibility is at an all-time low. We urgently need torestore our international leadership position and the leverage that goes withit to address urgent problems before they become crises.We must advance a new and compelling vision for the 21st century.
Butrather than focus on these critical strategic issues, our national discoursehas turned into a petty squabble.Too many people in power have failed us. Belligerence has been asubstitute for strength; stubbornness for leadership; and impulsive action hasreplaced measured and thoughtful response.
Once during the Eisenhower administration, Ike was under fire from hiscritics for moving too slowly in responding to political pressure. After avisit to the oval office by Robert Frost, the famous American poet sent thepresident a note: "the strong," he wrote, "are saying nothing until they see."
I believe that Barack Obama has the energy and the temperament to leadthis country. He knows that we can either advance on the distant hills of hopeor retreat to the garrisons of fear. As our standard bearer, he can mobilize ademoralized America and inspire all of us to show up for duty. Discipline willbe required, as will compromise, flexibility and quiet strength.
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