Here is a comment I left at the site of NPR's Diane Rehm show today. Come back, may add to the legend of W.D. Shorty Fox, Shortly as it were
Delightful Show. I thought about calling in, but the ballad singer near the end of the callins was my talking point.
I remember my Grandfather of East Tenn, Born in 1895 singing the Ballad of Charlie Guitau to me when I was a boy. His tune was a little different than today's caller, but the words were about the same. East Tennessee inflected accent would lay down on the I sound of My Name is Charlie Guitau, My Name I'll never deny.
Imagine High Lonesome sound of the Appalachian Hollers.
Found out today my Grandfather stomped some of the same ground as President Garfield. One of his great stories was as young fellow recently married to my Grandmother wearing John B. Stetson Hat to Chicamauga Park; where I learned today Garfield was key player in that battle.
Great Program. Hope the author sees these comments as I hope to read her book soon.