Collinsville Baptist 175th, Part Two
I took the first blog down for revision. May bring it back up later time.
William Fortner and his family to my knowledge don't go back that far but you can read his blog by clicking on his name at the website for the church. He is a deacon now and had a long letter published in the Centre Post Paper Feb 27, 2006.
To my knowledge his blog never came up before the deacon board nor as a matter of conversation in the Mary Katherine Reed Sunday School class at the church. As an indicator of the future direction of the church, maybe that conversation is at least 7 years overdue.
I have seen the Church History distributed August 12. They mentioned Cecil Etheredge as guest speaker in May 1988. I was there that Sunday and remember being impressed by his sermon. He talked about status in small towns, and though I don't think he mentioned it, his remarks were in the vein of Flannery OcConnor's story about the kid who got baptized in South Georgia in the 40's point being; "You coun't now."
Collinsville still seems to have a different calculus. Cecil's Brother Red got at it in his comment on the Brett Morgen documentary to the effect you need two sets of Great Grandparents in the local cemetery before you can be fully accepted in a town like Collinsville. That was an underlying haint, in my view in the deliberations of the church on May 28, 2006.
Cecil's Granddaughter is in the picture on this blog. Young woman in the left of the picture taken at a CBF event in Atlanta June 2006. 16 years earlier I had a serendipitous conversation with Fred Grissom an earlier pastor of CBC when CBF met in Atlanta in 1990. Best of my Memory same meeting I invited Doug Cumming, son of 60's Atlanta Bureau of Newsweek to the event. We were and continue to be fans of Marshall Frady.
You don't have to read much of Fortner's blog to figure he don't know much about Frady or what he was about.
As the fellow said on the Simpson's a Spider Pig does what Spider Pigs Do.
God Bless Yall and look for further updates.
With Doyle Hargraves, I play cards with J.D. Shellnutt.
2011 post by Fortner as as example:
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
We Screwed Us!
I think we screwed us. We didn’t hold our reps and senators feet to the fire to make the prez answer up about faked birth certificates, fraudulent use of social security numbers (he had many), going to war when he pleases as long as he pleases, back-dooring congress with the bureaucracy ruled by his Czars. They didn’t get enough mail, e-mail and phone calls threatening their featherbeds if they didn’t do something so they just tried to finesse us and it worked on far too many. The republic as we know it won’t stand much longer. I hope the new republic that rises from the ashes takes into account greed and avarice on levels our founders could never have conceived
Collinsville Film Society met 9:20 Aug 11 offsite of the Church. All founding members were present.
Warren Fortson for future reference:
Fortson was relieved of his SS Class at the UMC. Betty found herself studiously ignored at meetings of Junior League, "as if I had suddenly become invisible." Their expansive social life in Americus had quickly been reduced to a simple meager civility: as Betty defined it, "being careful that you don't put people you see on the street, in the stores, in the embarassing position of having to speak to you."
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