About Me
- Name: foxofbama
Born May 18, 1953; got saved at Truett Memorial BC in Hayesville, NC 1959. On rigged ballot which I did not rig got Most Intellectual class of 71, Gaffney High School. Furman Grad, Sociology major but it was little tougher than Auburn football players had Had three dates with beautiful women the summer of 1978. Did not marry any of em. Never married anybody cause what was available was undesirable and what was desirable was unaffordable. Unlucky in love as they say and even still it is sometimes heartbreaking. Had a Pakistani Jr. Davis Cupper on the Ropes the summer of 84, City Courts, Rome Georgia I've a baby sitter, watched peoples homes while they were away on Vacation. Freelance writer, local consultant, screenwriter, and the best damn substitute teacher of Floyd County Georgia in mid 80's according to an anonymous kid passed me on main street a few years later when I went back to get a sandwich at Schroeders. Had some good moments in Collinsville as well. Ask Casey Mattox at if he will be honest about it. I try my best to make it to Bridges BBQ in Shelby NC at least four times a year.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Bonhoeffer, Jeff Sessions and Immigration Reform
Jeff Sessions claims to be a Christian yet he has not engaged the thinking of Will Willimon, former UMC Bishop of North Alabama and long time chaplain at Duke on the matter.
Sessions is a Methodist. He can see what Willimon thinks in the easy google for Willimon Repents,
And Sessions is not the Constitutional scholar nor statesman Judge Frank Johnson was. If he thinks he is let him come to the University of Alabama and make the case in front of Hugo Black's grandson and some folks who know the real deal.
US Reps Lankford and Trey Gowdy wear their so called Christian World View on their sleeve. Lankford an ordained Baptist minister and son in law of former President of the Southern Baptist Convention, Tom Ellif. Gowdy worship at FBC Spartanburg SC where Billy Graham is a member. They seem to be on same page as Ted Cruz, a product of 2nd Baptist Church Houston Texas academy; 2nd Bap pastor Ed Young a long time associate of Billy Graham and the Nixon administration with roots in Gowdy's district at FBC Taylors, S.C. These Baps response to Obama has major implications for Baptist missions witness in Central and South America. Thomas Powers in October 9 examines the flaws of their "Christian" ideology".
Locally this calls for a town hall meeting, seven years overdue in Collinsville, Alabama. Would be great if Mark Wilson from Auburn and or Dave Matthews, the former President of the UBama would moderate. We could examine the thoughts of 35 year pastor John Morgan and his local Baptist church historian and town librarian Jennifer Wilkins on the matter to see if they are up to snuff to decide if grand Hispanics who have done due diligence in the classwork and character development are worthy of US Citizenship upon graduation from High School.
Some want to play semantics with Obama's Constitutional authority and the plotting politics of it all. Dietrich Bonhoeffer called for a better way in the 30s in Germany. Let Sessions, Gowdy, Lankford and Obama's detractors bone up on their Bonhoeffer.
I called Congressman Aderholt and Gowdy and Lankford's office today. None of the staff knew the three Christian martyrs in Bust in Westminster Abbey.
Bonhoeffer is one of them. He talks about the "politics of stupidity" on page 341 in the recent bio of himself by my friend Charles Marsh, a fellow Baptist preacher's son.
Let's Hope Sessions and the politicians and local folks above don't find this an opportunity to wallow in stupidity!
Monday, November 10, 2014
Sellers 42%; Furman celebrates 50th Anniversary of Desegregating campus
This past April Marsh published his biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer--one of the three greatest Christian martyrs of the 20th Century as Busted in Westminster Abbey--A Strange Glory. In that book this author who celebrated the struggle of Sellers has a chapter "I heard the Gospel preached in the Negro Churches" about Bonhoeffer's 1931 stay in America. On page 341 Marsh has a segment on Bonhoeffer's NY's Eve of 1943 lament on the "politics of stupidity". Shortly into 44 Bonhoeffer was arrested.
Nov 4th, Last Tuesday Cleveland Sellers son, Bakari, a gifted scholar and politician, lost his bid for LT Gov of S.C. with only 42 percent of the vote.
With the confusion of nation or the South's lost Cause with the religion of Jesus, South Carolina and the tea party across the region has a problem similar to Bonhoeffer's concern in Germany in the 1940's. Matter of degree for sure, but Andrew Sullivan saw a similar problem with Bush 43 invasion of Iraq with all its fundamentalist backing saying how could he condemn Moslem extremists, "while winking at milder versions in his own constituency."
Ten years after Bonhoeffer's death in 45, in 1955 Furman University students and most of the faculty were understanding Brown Vs Brd of Education was the right direction for the country but folks like Strom Thurmond and leading Southern Baptist pastor WA Criswell had other thoughts in mind. Criswell gave a speech to a joint session of the SC legislature where he said "you wouldn't call a chigger a chiggerow" now would you and the Cracker Baptist Preachers and the state legislators just howled.
In Gaffney a Doctors house was bombed on College Drive about a half mile from where I was to move in 1962 by a cell of the KKK. It got written up in Jumpn Jim Crow.
Furman did integrate in 1965, two years after Marshall Frady graduated. Steve Oneill of the History Department has written an excellent history of those days about the intrigue among the trustees of the University and the Baptist State Convention. With Joe Crespino's Strom Thurmond's America as a larger frame they were interesting days indeed.
But go wider to the heart of Baptist fundamentalism and Thomas Powers recent piece on Texas in NY Rev of Books and it doesn't look like we've come very far. A Christian doesn't have to vote for somebody in the South just because he's black, but it looks like all the good efforts of Furman and Wofford, Converse, Erskine, College of Charleston even Limestone and few pockets of Clemson and USC Columbia have come to much. Rough estimate is Sellers son, a gifted young politician only got ten percent of the white vote. Ten percent after 50 years isn't much. There aren't as many wise discerning Christians as one would hope by this point with all the efforts, the energies to produce leaders of better influence.
Fox news and the Tea Party right wingers were fuming the last few days of the midterm elections about Ferguson ads in Georgia and NOrth Carolina to get out the black vote. They may have a point. But Molly Worthen of UNC and Jason Zengerle of the New Racism piece in the New Republic have the larger point. Lee Atwater's race card is strong and folks like Trey Gowdy and James Lankford whose Southern Baptist credentials are stronger than Jesse Helms ties to the White Citizens Council go mute when time to speak straightforwardly to these matters, or with substance and virtue on immigration reform. Here in Bama House Speaker Mike Hubbard whose Bleaching Strategy is most insidious keeps on plugging along making money off people of color on the Auburn football team.
Hubbard's son Clayte is a Freshman at Furman. It would be a travesty if he graduates from Frum Furman with the same headset he went in with, or anything close to his father's on race.
The Black Mormon woman from Utah and Tim Scott in South Carolina; God Bless their Story but lot more going on than their story.
So lets bring Joe Crespino and Condi Rice, Thomas Powers and Mike Hubard to Furman this spring and lets talk about this after everybody does the remedial reading. 50 years after the fact, in light of Bonhoeffer and Texas Fundamentalism, Ed Young and Harry Dent, Bleaching and Immigration strategies of deportation of some of the finest High school students in my Mother's hometown of Collinsvillle, Alabama; lets look at this one more time at Furman, and see if it has come to anything.
And next fall Charles Marsh and Molly Worthen.
Marshall Frady, Martin England, T.C. Smith and L.D. Johnson seems to me expect no less.
Molly Worthen on the Fundamentalist Takeover of the SBC
As I've said in other places there has been a lot of chatter at the site about the takeover that has been slugged down into a thicket over the loaded term inerrancy.
But Thomas Powers has updated and cleaned a lot of that up in a recent (Oct 9) piece in the New York Review of Books for anybody who wants the truth on the matter. It remains what it was 40 years ago when Paul Pressler walked off the documentary set with Bill Moyers for a PBS special, a Birch Society, White Citizens Council, Texas Regulars ginned up controversy to advance the right wing out of Texas. Like the Koch brothers today, Pressler and Jesse helms network specialized in primaries where just a small percentage of the voters showed up to do unseat President Carter--before him some of the best of the last half of the 20th Century in the 78 midterm--and altered the country's trajectory after some remediation and progress toward the more perfect Union of the 60s.
Race became abortion, became prayer in schools became inerrancy; whatever hat trick Pressler and Atwater and Helms and the right wing gunk the gurus could run on.
After a chapter on Rousas Rushdoony of the Christian Recons, Barton's abuse of American history, the charlatan Francis Scahefer, Molly Worthen has this choice passage to conclude her tenth chapter of The Apostles of Reason "God's Idea Men"
Quoting Worthen:
Just as Yoder had protested Frances Schaeffer's account of history and politics, moderate Baptists flailed against the conservative juggernaut. Neither succeeded in halting the conservatives rise to cultural and institutional power, but in their fight they made the vital point that the Christian Right--in the Unyielding and ABSOLUTIST form that the movement had taken in the late 80s, was NOT synonymous with American evangelicalism. Instead the CR was the product of a long struggle WITHIN evangelicalism in which leaders with very different opinions and priorities vied to convince believers of their duties to God and to their fellow man. In a tradition in which no single authority had ever reigned for long, in which sola scriptura, had released a cascade of quarrels and no single faction could resist issuing a creed, a declaration, a call, or a list of fundamentals, to define itself against its kin, Schaeffer, Falwell and other Self appointed spokesmen of the CR appeared, to casual observers, to reflect some kind of consensus. ONE MUST NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF THIS KIND OF ILLUSION OF SOLIDARITY--BUT ONE MUST NOT TAKE IT FOR REALITY EITHER.
Caps Mine.
Wednesday, November 05, 2014
Gaffney Spartanburg, October 17, 1969
An intense rivalry, Spartanburg had beaten Gaffney the year before in steady rain 27-7 for the first time in the decade after the two team hadn't played for three years. A Gang attacked a Spartanburg student after a Basketball game in the winter of 65, one assailant alleged to have brandished and made contact with blows with brass knuckles. There was always tension, an element of social class differences and resentment in this meeting.
It was also an end of an era. Legendary Gaffney Coach Bob Prevatte, and his charismatic Line Coach Wayne Whiteside were in their last fall on the sidelines for the mighty Indians. It was the Second year of full integration of Gaffney High School--just two years before the school sponsored its annual "Confederates Ball in full regalia for the Lost Cause; the last year of Mr Seaborn as High School Principal and the final year of Gaffney's noble School Superintendent J. Paul Beam. It was the end of a decade though a case could be made the 70s didn't start in Gaffney till the class of 72.
As Bob Dylan said, The Times They were a Changing.
But,Gaffney was "all in" in one accord against Spartanburg and ready to display mastery on the field.
In Eight years from 1960 through Billy Ray Rice's fall of 1967 Gaffney had only lost 8 games. They won the state title from 60-65 though Greenwood disputed the title in 1961, though Gaffney had no losses and Greenwood had one.
Some reports were the crowd was at ten thousand but others onsite talked about it being the most packed game they ever played in. It was likely there were 12,000 there or more. Both teams were undefeated coming into the 7th game into the season of 69, though Gaffney was ranked Number one in the State and Spartanburg was fourth due to a tie in one game. It was billed as the number one offense in the state (Spartanburg) vs the Number One Defense (Gaffney.). But Gaffney was to turn every thing on its head except a disputed final score.
Spartanburg scored on its first possession with the fortunes of the number one gainer Ray Monroe. Gaffney knocked Spartanburg QB Sanders out of the game for the entire 2nd quarter and mounted a 70 yard drive ending in an eleven yard scamper by the Indians Johnny Dawkins to tie.. During that assault Gaffney QB Parker got the wind knocked out of him--Robb Sartor remembers going to Parker and in colorful language, saying get up, We need you; but backup Richard Spencer came in for four downs.
Gaffney Blocked a punt and was back in business at the Spartanburg 26, got the 15 where Richard Spencer hit a 33 yard field goal to go up by three. They threatened again and with 11 seconds to go at the four yard line Spencer attempted another field goal and missed.
And then on a play that will live on as one of the biggest misshaps in Gaffney football lore happened. With a minute thirty-three to go in the game, Gaffney leading 10-7 Jerome Moore hiked the ball to punter Lynn Mabrey. The hike went over his head and a Spartanburg player whose name doesn't deserve to be remembered picked it up and ran it in 30 some odd yards for a score.
Trying to resolve what folks saw on the sideline before the long snap and remembered over the years of Moore's demeanor is like trying to resolve the differing accounts of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ in the Synoptic Gospels. Some say he was visibly distraught even muttering to himself, while others said it was routine for him. But something went awry.
The Georgia Runoff that didn't happen
Kay Hagan also lost in North Carolina.
It was a sad day for America and sad for the South--See Hal Crowther Review in Love with Defeat in the summer 2013 Oxford American Magazine.
A friend of mine attended Sunday School class with President Carter Nov 2 in Plains. In a rare Q and A session he obliquely expressed his hopes for the daughter of his friend Sam Nunn, and his grandson Jason Carter, running for Governor.
By now Georgia should be at a better place. My friend Randall Balmer's recent bio of President Carter reminded me Nelson Price of Marietta was Carter's prayer partner when Carter was Governor of Georgia. He gave the invocation in Washington D.C. for Carter's inaugural. But Price got caught up in the fundamentalist takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention and now trustee emeritus--he pretty much calls the shots--at Shorter College in Rome. They went through a torturous takeover of their own a couple years ago.
Thomas Powers in the October 9 New York Review of Books tells a scorching tale of how fundamentalism--with a focus on the Baptist takeover--has morphed into Ted Cruz and Rick Perry power in the state. The tentacles reach to Ed Young who was tight with Nixon's Southern Strategist Harry Dent and is now in the pact with Fox News and the Houston ministers that have a prediliction for being on the wrong side of history. Powers is quite perceptive in how the Southern Baptist mind finds itself inadequate for addressing immigration reform and simple justice matters of inequity the Tea Party Right and Koch Brothers and ALEC were able to demagogue into a Wave Election yesterday.
The shared history of Nelson Price and Jimmy Carter over the last 40 years is an excellent parable to gain insight into the elemental forces in evangelical history of the South that was a key aspect of the eruption yesterday. It laid the groundwork for Nathan Deal, and Tillis, even eggregious resurrection of the disastrous experiment in Kansas.
The Georgia Runoff was not to be. Here is what my friend the novelist and ordained Baptist Minister Lamar Wadsworth of Rockmart Georgia had to say about the vote yesterday in Georgia:
Once again, Republicans have ridden to victory on the backs of working people who vote against their own self-interest. Here in Georgia, child welfare will continue to be the red-headed stepchild of state government. Our paltry 1% raise this year was the first since gas was $1.29/gallon and groceries were half of today's prices. The state will continue to balance its budget on the backs of state employees. We will continue to lose good DFCS workers as fast as new ones can be trained and certified because of low pay and workers carrying two full caseloads. We will continue to have backlogs on CPS cases, and permanency for children will be delayed because we don't have enough people to do what we are tasked to do, and the state is not spending the money to reward longevity and experience in order to retain the best workers. In other news, we will continue to see small-town hospitals close their doors because Deal refuses to expand Medicaid, and more Georgia citizens will die before the ambulance can make it to that more distant hospital 40 miles away. The war on poor people, which replaced the war on poverty, will continue, and the crusade to abolish the middle class and drive down wages for working people will continue as we race to the bottom.
It is the predicament expressed above President Carter with experience and the Scripture as his guide was hoping to avoid in his Sunday School class two days before this election.
Here in Bama I voted for Baptist Deacon Governor Bentley. I think he has a good heart but his 19th Century headset limits his vision for the poor, and hampers his politics in what should be done. Even so I think I have befriended some people on his staff, so I will appeal to them and what remains of the conscience of his former pastor Rick Lance who is now the Ex Dir for Bama Baptists.
I don't have much hope for House Speaker Mike Hubbard. I do hope his son, a freshman at Furman University can learn something from the experience of our New President Elizabeth Davis--I'm of the class of 75 and Marshall Frady of the class of 63--and maybe can help his Dad over the holidays understand how Davis worked with Ken Star. Maybe young Clayte will find an extra issue of the Fall Furman magazine to take to his Dad for Christmas.
Still the Dixie headset is suffering, bad case of post traumatic political syndrome from the fundamentalist takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention. In addition to what Thomas Powers explains that brilliantly, without mincing his words in the October 9 New York Review of Books is the cover story by Jason Zengerle on how MIke Hubbard plays the game with the fetus and football under Auburn's skirts--see New Racism, New Republic. And what they miss Garry Wills explains in an earlier issue, review of Bama Grad Joe Scarborough's book on the GOP.
So here's to Mark Cooper who ran Phil Williams GOP State Senate Campaign in my NE Bama district; Daniel Sparkman, the Senator's grandson now on staff with Governor Bentley, Boone on staff with Mike Hubbard, Clayte at Furman and Zach, the Methodist minister's son also with Governor Bentley. Have your bosses do the remedial reading.
In my friend Charles Marsh's new bio of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, page 341, Bonhoeffer muses on New Years Eve 1943 on the "politics of stupidity". He had a year and three months to live. Here 75 years later the Southern Red States committed a crucifixion of the righteousness and wisdom one of the three great Christian martyrs of the 20th Century tried to share.
Kiergegaard says each generation has to learn for itself. Still in an attempt to keep cyncism and resignation at bay, I grieve for the "stupidity" we self inflicted yesterday.
Postscript. My friend Jeff Patton lost by 188 votes for School Board in the Southern District of Dekalb County Alabama. When he lived in Rome Georgia, on the East side of Town near Sherwood Forest Baptist church, he was a friend of Matt Rose.
Mark Colby, Sandra Killian's son in law for a time was on staff at Sherwood Forest. The Reverberations of this setback yesterday are wide indeed.