National Media Whitewashes Cliff Simms
Trump called the 32 year old a "Gopher".
Sims two years ago was host of a mid day talk show on Crawford Broadcasting WYDE in Bham. Every indication of this God, Guns and America outfit was they were leftovers of the John Birch Society and White Citizens Councils who had embraced guns to right every wrong in America along with FBC Gardendale, Church of the Highlands and the 17 campuses and other aspects of Trump's base.
Joe Scarborough missed it as well as the New Yorker in this interview
Sims with Andrea Tice whose husband is on staff at Church of the Highlands routinely castigated Hillary Clinton. It was like the Inquisition friends of Albert Lee Smith and his wife's Eagle Forum gave Samford President Corts in 93.
Sims is the son of a near jack leg Baptist preacher whose Yellowhammer News, sources say got its start in Mike Hubbard's office when he was Bama House speaker.
Lot more story on Sims and his Bama network of fundamentalists. I hope some crackerjack journalists in Bama or the region looks a little closer. Sims may deserve the Marshall Frady treatment, cause left to his own devices with the light shown on him so far, we got an aspirational Atwater/young Wallace on our hands.
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