Mohler on Trump and Western civilization. Heavy on Tocqueville, Light on the Texas Regulars
Be looking for Alan Bean, Bill Leonard the Baptist historian at Wake Forest, and Randall Balmer to weigh in.
Mohler a grad of Samford University in Bham, born in 59, said faced with Trump and Hillary in 16 it was no brainer. I would love to see him explain himself to Sidney Blumenthal, Hillary's friend who is working on a quartet on Lincoln.
In the 90s Sidney took LBJ biographer to task on the Senate election of 48 in Texas where Lyndon defeated Coke Stevenson, the Texas Regular who rode a white horse and represented the Criswell Baptists of his day.
Lot of Regulars legacy in the Birch society which was driving force of the fundamentalist takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention. Mohler either hasnt read Wuthnow's Rough Country or conveniently dismisses that aspect of recent history that gave him his current platform to talk about Tocqueville and populism. He doesnt talk about Criswell in 56 in Columbia SC saying You wouldnt call a chigger a chiggerow now would ya.
See Curtis Freeman Dead from the Neck Up on that matter.
Shake him down and Mohler is a ruse. Read the interview. Ask Mohler about Paige Patterson and Paul Pressler and the Moyers inteview. Get Blumenthal in the conversation.
Mohler bragged to Charles Marsh of UVA, the Preacher's son and biographer of Bonhoeffer Billy Graham was energetic behind the scenes in the fundy takeover of the SBC. Explore that in a room with Eric Metaxas.
Stay tuned this has legs.