Questioning OBama's Church's Character
I wonder if we can get some lucid and civil discussion on it.
From an item at
by Prentice Fox on Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:49 am
NEW HAMPSHIRE IS BEHIND US NOW, AND SO IS MICHIGAN. In the MSNBC Dem Debate last night, everything was snug and Cozy with Barak, Hillary, and John. They teamed up for a two hour "Bush-bashing" session. South Carolina should be a good "game." I'm 'puttin' my money' on Obama and Huck. This editorial: ... 2746454291 intoduces some new questions about Obama's position that must be dealt with before the final tally bell is rung. Prentice.
and his followup:
Re: Obama and the IBD
by Prentice Fox on Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:32 am
ED, I DON'T KNOW ABYTHING ABOUT IBD (Investors Business Development.) That editorial was sent to me from a friend in my church, and she in quite knowedgeable about national events. It is, admittedly, an editorial, with editorial slant, and I guess their bias is Basic Conservative. BUT, the writer lists some very scary and damaging FACTS about OBAMA HERE; editorial or not. Prentice
For you and your bewildered uncle:
Why in the world would you link to such unsubstantiated, guilt-by-association, rumor-mongering trash?
Pull this post down and save what little dignity you might have left. This is ridiculous.
Check the Huckabee bid for SC pastor's at the Plank this Jan 16th.
Lot there for Prentice's source in NC to think about
"Wright once traveled to Libya with black supremacist Louis Farrakhan to meet with terrorist leader Muammar Qaddafi. Last year at a Chicago gala, Wright honored his old pal Farrakhan, who's fond of calling whites "blue-eyed devils," for lifetime achievement"
Anon #1-what part of the above piece don't you underestand?Do we really want someone who's pastor thinks so highly of Louis Farrakhan that he gives him an award for his racist beliefs-serving as president of our country?
Keep up the good work-blog owner-
Keep on bringing these important issues up for us-
To Anon Four:
Consider WA Criswell as discussed at
and consider the teachings of Mark Olson and Charles Kimball
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