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Born May 18, 1953; got saved at Truett Memorial BC in Hayesville, NC 1959. On rigged ballot which I did not rig got Most Intellectual class of 71, Gaffney High School. Furman Grad, Sociology major but it was little tougher than Auburn football players had Had three dates with beautiful women the summer of 1978. Did not marry any of em. Never married anybody cause what was available was undesirable and what was desirable was unaffordable. Unlucky in love as they say and even still it is sometimes heartbreaking. Had a Pakistani Jr. Davis Cupper on the Ropes the summer of 84, City Courts, Rome Georgia I've a baby sitter, watched peoples homes while they were away on Vacation. Freelance writer, local consultant, screenwriter, and the best damn substitute teacher of Floyd County Georgia in mid 80's according to an anonymous kid passed me on main street a few years later when I went back to get a sandwich at Schroeders. Had some good moments in Collinsville as well. Ask Casey Mattox at if he will be honest about it. I try my best to make it to Bridges BBQ in Shelby NC at least four times a year.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

1988 SBC, Sarah Palin and the Council for National Policy

As I said in the previous blog, Richard Jackson, former pastor of North Phoenix Baptist Church, baptized Cindy McCain.
In 1988 in San Antonio, Texas he was the Mainstream Baptist Candidate for Presidency of the Southern Baptist Convention.
There was a press conference that year in San Antonio where Neal Rodgers and James Dunn addressed among other things Pressler and Patterson of the SBC's connection to the right wing Council for National Policy.
Through James Dobson and Richard Land the CNP has effectively placed Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, as culture warrior on the GOP ticket for Presidency.

Also see links in blog below to Christianity Today article on Richard Land of the SBC, and Pierard's take.

The man who baptized Cindy McCain was the political victim in the fundamentalist takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention by the forces her husband has now embraced to make him the next President; the same forces George W. Bush embraced in SC primary 2000 to tar McCain.

In January 1989 in Nashville meeting of the SBC ExCom, in an intense near hysterical exchange, Richard Jackson confronted the CNP and SBC's Pressler. There is an audiotape of the confrontation.
Pressler made the career of soon to become Presidential Kingmaker and Karl Rove associate Richard Land possible as a result of the SBC takeover.
Jerry Vines defeated Cindy McCain's baptizer Jackson that year in Texas. Vines became longtime pastor of FBC Jacksonville, Florida, an epicenter of the debate over teaching Science in High School classrooms as profiled on front page of NY Times two weeks ago.
Sarah Palin is a charm and as a panelist on ABC This Week this morning said, has "gut" appeal
and awakened the dormant right wing of the GOP (CNP, SBC of Land, and Dobson folks) for McCain.
But Cindy McCain and millions of others have to ask if CNP that defeated the man who baptized her; if that is what she really wants for this country.
Bill Moyers had a national PBS documentary Dec 1987 on CNP and Judge Pressler and the SBC. Dan Vestal, who at the time was the pastor of FBC, Midland Texas where down the street at the Methodist church, George W. Bush was in alcohol Rehab.
Midland's US Congressman Chet Edwards understands the true Baptist concept of separation of church and State.
Edwards and Richard Jackson and Jackson's son and their network of true vine George Truett Baptists should be able to explain to the rest of the world what Sarah Palin represents.
They know; they saw it first hand in 1988, twenty years ago in San Antonio, Texas.

I was there, in the room that day.

God Bless You, and God Bless the United States of America; One Nation Not Under Father Coughlin, Not Under WA Criswell, Richard Land, James Dobson, Paul Pressler and the Council for national Policy'
But One Nation Under God.

Read Martha Nussbaum on Roger Williams
Also Contact Aaron Weaver in the Baptist Doctoral Program of Truett Seminary at Baylor in Waco Texas who may be able to help place you in contact with Richard Jackson and his son.


Blogger Georgia Mountain Man said...

This clears the fog pretty well. I had suspected there was something like this behind Palin's selection. She is definitely a major threat to the all important separation of church and state. So many people appear to be unable, or unwilling, to see the danger Palin and others like her represent to the Constitution and our freedom.

1:01 PM  

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