Mary Sue Bennett and Joseph Morgan
Mary Sue has been quite hospitable and patient with my several calls the last few weeks on immigration reform, Kris Kobach and Eunie Smith; and David Barton. I think she has a conscience. I think she and My Mother woulda been friends in the WMU had their paths crossed. I would not be surprised if Mary Sue knew Mary Katherine Reed of Collinsville whe MKat was on faculty at University of Alabama.
Joseph Morgan is the fourth son of the Morgans of Collinsville. They have been here for 30 years; about 145 less than my Mother's family. They were present in Feb 2002 when Lottie Moon's biographer was on panel at Collinsville, Baptist Church.
The Morgan's Fifth son may be Casey Mattox, not biologically but ideologically. I don't know if they have discussed Mike Hubbard's Republican Handshake or not. Joseph works with the GOP now in Bham. We have a share memory of Trade Day about Christmas 95 when my Dad tried to pass some flowers off on a fellow whose car was dented. Luke Griggs was laughin too, almost crampin.
But I can't understand when the Morgans are gonna have the family conversation about the Tea Party. I don't talk to them as much as I did before May 28, 2006; but Yale and Duke and UVA has to come to something. Meanwhile between Charles Pickering and Barton and Kobach Bama is languishing and the Morgan fog is dense. Least Im not hearing of much clearing.
Ex Secretary, I shoulda ideed Ms Bennett as.
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