Not long ago I shared a couple links at the Clay County Progress Facebook wall on the North Carolina Senate Race. Hayesville, N.C. and Clay County is the birthplace of George W. Truett and where I accepted Jesus as my Saviour and was Baptized in 1959.
I don't think Truett were he with us today would vote for Art Pope and the Koch Brothers Tea Party Candidate Tillis. A studious hearing of Elizabeth Warren's hour long conversation on NPR's Diane Rehm further convinces me of such, not to mention the Moral Monday's crusade this last year in North Carolina.
About a month ago, a good man, Guy Sayles, of FBC Asheville, N.C. had an easily googled piece at I found quite naive. In effect a leader of the progressive Baptist movement in North Carolina who does much good, came across to me as not being in a much better place in this Tea Party Onslaught as were the 8 ministers to whom Martin Luther King sent his letter from the Bham Jail in 1963.
Senator Warren makes clear this is not about race. This is about the future of the working middle class getting a fair shake in the face of Citizens United and the Koch Brothers Oligarchy. I don't think King, nor Truett woulda been doubleminded on that.
On Monday I had a cordial but straightforward chat with an administrator of the now fundamentalist Baptist Southeastern Seminary, I recommended Molly Worthen's Apostles of Reason to him, as well as Randall Balmer's new bio of President Carter and Joe Crespino's Strom Thurmond's America.
Twenty years ago, Sayles predecessor at FBC Asheville told me Bill Friday told him the most significant event in the 1980's decade in North Carolina was the fundamentalist takeover of SEBTS. Because in that takeover fundamentalists of the Jesse Helms, Paul Pressler stripe had a route into the pulpit of every hamlet, suburb and precinct in North Carolina with what has now become a Tea Party ideologue.
In that Friday and Sherman trump Saylyes well meaning attempt at Solomonic wisdom for North Carolina. In these days the center fielder is not holding!