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Born May 18, 1953; got saved at Truett Memorial BC in Hayesville, NC 1959. On rigged ballot which I did not rig got Most Intellectual class of 71, Gaffney High School. Furman Grad, Sociology major but it was little tougher than Auburn football players had Had three dates with beautiful women the summer of 1978. Did not marry any of em. Never married anybody cause what was available was undesirable and what was desirable was unaffordable. Unlucky in love as they say and even still it is sometimes heartbreaking. Had a Pakistani Jr. Davis Cupper on the Ropes the summer of 84, City Courts, Rome Georgia I've a baby sitter, watched peoples homes while they were away on Vacation. Freelance writer, local consultant, screenwriter, and the best damn substitute teacher of Floyd County Georgia in mid 80's according to an anonymous kid passed me on main street a few years later when I went back to get a sandwich at Schroeders. Had some good moments in Collinsville as well. Ask Casey Mattox at if he will be honest about it. I try my best to make it to Bridges BBQ in Shelby NC at least four times a year.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Kyle Fox and Marshall Frady

I had an Invitation in my inbox today to make a statement about Marshall Frady for the by a man who once pastored in Union, South Carolina, knew Marshall's Father and had the honor of meeting Marshall himself on the occasion of Marshall's Mother's funeral.
Marshall has been called among other things quite simply the best social justice journalist of his era. What finer tribute could be said of the son of Baptist Minister, who followed his own call celestially and incarnated it.
Frady's biography of Billy Graham has recently been republished in Paperback with a sterling intro by the Purlitzer prize winning author David Halberstam. Contrary to some ignorant folk in my own family who pretend to be up on things, Frady's legacy fluorishes.
It has come to my attention my first cousin Neil Fox's son, Kyle, is reading this blog to see how the conversation between me and his Grandfather Winston P continues to develop. Here is an open invitation to Kyle to take a look at all the works of Marshall Frady as he jumps further in the River of faith and see how it has affected different members of his extended family.
A classmate of my Dad and his brother Prentice at SEBTS, the venerable Bill Self, in the heart of the takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention which split siblings in the family of W.D. Fox; Self said of the Bible, it needs no defense of itself. In open heart with an open mind it will convict for eternity.
Marshall Frady is not part of the KJV. But his words in many places are part of my canon, the Third Testament of my own experience.
As a great admirer of Frady, the late LD Johnson said once about the book of Job; time is short in this session of class, but I can say from my own experience, this chapter in question is true.
Unlike Winston Fox and others who along the way miss the point; LD Johnson and Bill Self and Carlyle Marney, by my own Father's testimony, and Marshall Frady from the testimony of a great heavenly host, got points that went over the head of Winston Prentice Fox.
May God have Mercy on His Soul, and members of his Sunday School Class at Snyder Memorial who take him at his word without further investigation.
Kyle, a great place to start on Frady is his sterling--yes I have used the word twice in this pitiful attempt to do him justice--biography of MLKing Jr. I commend it to you along with Hebrews 11:13 which no matter the miserable example of your Grandfather and me, is a great tribute to WD and Mary Alice Helton Fox

Stephen Fox, Son of Billy, C Student at Furman who had the good fortune to exchange about three emails with Frady, had a film script read by him he found "pandemoniously picaresque"; and talked to him once on the phone when he was at ABC Nightline.

Kyle, have your Mother get a copy of Hal Crowther's book Gather at The River and read the tribute to Frady in there. In there read also about Denise Giardini, a politician Marshall Frady woulda magnified as he did Warren Fortson and Will Campbell.
Also know Halberstam of the Frady tribute in the Billy Gee bio, wrote of Leon Culberson, who almost married your Great Aunt Virginia Fox Richey, in heaven now with Martin, and Yates and Marshall.

Scripted in Purple cause that is the color of the alma mater I share with Marshall.


Blogger foxofbama said...

The Kudos on this blog are startin to pour in.
Russ Beene, the young revenant said: "Magisterial"

2:56 PM  
Blogger foxofbama said...

I was trying to work things out with the family, but then Prentice again maligns my blog and impugns my motives.
I had taken a blog down that had this text in it, but now am bringing it back up so folks can judge for themselves the righteousness of Prentice case against me as he continues to run the board in my absence at

Snyder Pig makes a phone call/ Blog of Sept 18
Gets machine

This is what he said at his 10:37 am Central Bama time call Sept 15, about 23 minutes before the start of the Miss. St/ Auburn football game

From my own transcript

Hey Steve:
Just wanted to make a call before lunch; may go out to the golf course and get a burger or something
Anyway, I've been looking at the Faith and Practice board at where I made a new thread about

The other Thread that you began has been

BY Flick or Thorton or somebody.
I know you can't post now so we are getting out some positive words about
SNYDER now for a Turnaround

There are a lot of hits on NIFONG since you were sidelined and Charles Marsh and Francis Schaeffer.
That was pretty much a thing, wasn't gettin many hits but

to the top and now its gettin traffic

Chaplain fox, the SPig goes on to boast of other threads, Karl Rove, the Campbell Div School seminar featuring a man he calls "Bobby" Shurden he has started since his role in sidelining me, even taunting about the locked Snyder Emergent Church thread where he screamed foul.
About that point my machine cut off.
I cannot understand how such a Wayward soldier as the Snyder Pig can mercilessly belittle the likes of Charles Marsh and Randall Balmer and continue unshackled at Snyder; and
I think Fair Play warrants his suspension for 15 days or so. I have served that many days on the sidelines.
In a phone call a week ago, Iasked my friend the Unilateral David Flick if my indefinite suspension could be reduced if I made my case.
He said it could.
I have made my case here and in a few emails to him and others with influence at the Board. I am ready to go back and discuss matters of interest in the Baptist world where I thrived five years or so, even humbly sat aside for three months last summer, the victim of misrepresentation by small minded folks in Collinsville.
The Snyder Pig has brought his game of taunt and small mindedness to this Baptist board. It is time he sit down for awhile to rethink his reasons for being there.
Stephen Fox

2:17 PM  

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