Doug Carver; And an Aldridge word for Snyder
By the testimony of US Army Chief Chaplain Doug Carver, my Grandfather had a strategic role, a positive influence in winning him to a Saving Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
But I am disturbed by this link about Carver
and as equally, maybe even more disturbed by my Uncle's Sept 12 and 13 posts at in the Schaeffer/Marsh thread.
Gonna think about it a little more.
In meantime also came across these words from the head of the CBF of South Carolina, Marion Aldridge, about pastor search committees here in the onset of the 21st Century. Could be instructive for ; if anything given Winston Fox's first month at looks like it would be foolish to put him on the Pastor Search Committee for the successor to Marc Olson, not that he has campaigned for such a post, to my knowledge.
Marion in the September newsletter of the
His third paragraph in Two Baptists on a Desert Island is the heart of the matter.
Folks in the Snyder community and the offsite Seminar of Chaplain Fox may want to click on this link to see how in the words of Firehouse Subs how "fully involved" this whole conversation is becoming, interactive and what not.
UP in particular may want to click on my name in the comment line of this post at
And this from Mark of Alabama on Prentice and his SS class
Re: Help requested for teaching on Hagar's
by Mark on Wed Sep 12, 2007 10:23 pm
UNCLE PRENTICE wrote:I do not see the class as an opportunity to slam the Arabs; but rather to point out that God had a covenantal relationship with both Hagar and Sara, in spite of their dysfunctional family; just as He does with us....Excellent. You'll do fine.
Sfox. Point of Info is well needed here. This Mark of Bama is the same Mark who introduced me to Hugo Black's Grandson Stephen in Montgomery Fall of 04. Since then I have had Stephen speak at my Mother's alma mater here in Collinsville.
Wiley UPrentice while he has convinced Mark he can talk the talk, he may not necessarily be walking the walk which is the true measure of this Scripture in his life.
One of his dear family members, not myself has said she cannot understand how a "seminary graduate" can be so acerbic and meanspiritted toward members of his own family.
Further compromising his witness here to his Sunday School class is his litany of disrespect for the writings of Charles Marsh and Randall Balmer in his short five weeks at
Every indication is Stephen Black, and his evolving reputation as Ethics Chair at U Bama, is plumblined into the church state legacy of his Grandfather and George Truett as explained and proclaimed by greats of our time like Balmer. And all indications are Stephen, from his studies at Emory, even his speech on justice as distinct from charity here at my Mother's alma mater April 24 2006, is in a much more noble strain of Christendom in the public square than Uncle Prentice as evidenced in his perorations at
It is the difference between Judge Frank Johnson and George Wallace, Hugo Black and Judge Pressler's family's history with Coke Stevenson in the 40's in Texas; James Dunn and Richard Land; Randall Lolley, Roy Honeycutt and Al Mohler.
UP may speak the language of Zion on occasion, but his witness of bringing light in the City of the Sun is suspect.
I hope Mark will have the audacity to pursue UP on these matters at
Uncle Prentice had this unattributed and unreferenced response at
by UNCLE PRENTICE on Fri Sep 14, 2007 10:43 am
In an article just published in a national veterans' magazine, a writer named Bruce Wilson takes "el cheapo." Wilson claims that Chaplain Carver states that "He is on a mission from God." and mocks this point. I'm glad that Chaplain Doug Carver of Dykes Creek Baptist Church in Rome, GA does feel that he is on a mission from God. If he didn't, he would be in the wrong profession. Some of the prayers that Carver wrote when he was a "Jump Chaplain" are berated by Wilson, because he doesn't get the point. The fact that Wilson speaks so glibly about the word "Mission" makes me wonder what his mission is I wonder if Bruce Wilson is any kin to Joe Wilson. They seem to have the same agenda. UNCLE PRENTICE.
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