Bizarre Family Stories
Please dear Jesus send some of his class members to this blog in the Far Country.
Pray with Uncle Prentice there in Sunday School in Fayetteville Sunday that at a minimum he change his ID at and go by WPFox or some such, because "Uncle" now has an ugly meaning to it. WE have wrestled and been wounded and the OT demands on several occasions a name change. So have your teacher change his name at as evidence that he has learned just a little in his own gut from his lesson this last month about dysfunctional family relationships.
Anything short of that seems to me to be in biblical language at least: BLASPHEMY
To use his phrase, His Yell of Sept 5: bL.COM ADMINISTRATORS ARE YOU LISTENING
Help requested for teaching on Hagar's
by UNCLE PRENTICE on Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:26 pm
blessing, and God's promise for Ishmael !!(Gen 21:18) On Sunday 23 September, the lesson in Smyth & Helwys is from Gen 21:9-21. I see a difficulty in teaching this text and being historically truthful to it; especially in regard to the promise given to Hagar and Ishmael.(verses 13 and 18). To add to this promise the Quran (19:54) claims that Jesus' mother Mary, called Ishmael, "an apostle of God, a Prophet." It also claims (2:125) that God commanded Abraham and Ismael to purify the Kaaba in Mecca, the holiest tenple of the Muslim faith. Shall I demythologize the OT text, and treat it as an "oral tradition" that some rabbi inserted at a later date; or should I take it literally and teach about God working in history with dysfunctional families; then and now???(and include some personal references here??) UNCLE PRENTICE (I AM SERIOUS ABOUT HELP.)
Got a couple on the burner gonna put up for you to read soon; maybe as early as next week. Some readers of my blog have contacted me about a few so I aim to please. I understand recent circumstances have brought new lurkers here; so wanted to put up a notice just in case they want to "take notice" later on.
As for movies, I recommend 3:10 to Yuma; And Valley of Elah looks promising.
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