There Will Be Blood
Musings were talking to me this morning as I was listening to the final chorus of St. Matthew's Passion by Bach. It is "Oh Man, Bewail your Great Sin."
Good soundtrack to "Blood" including the classicist Arvo Part, a favorite of John Morgan the IIIrd and Michael Stipe; the latter of REM, the former maybe an REM Wannabee, but no diss on my charter member of the Collinsville Film Society.
I had an opportunity this morning to talk about Cormac McCarthy and the line from No Country for Old Men: "Even in a contest between a man and a steer, the OUtcome is not certain."
My audience got it.
Then I told them about Mose Freshour and my Dad in Newport Tn. I always understood Mose pulled a knife on my Daddy at one point, sometime after they had a full house Sunday School in the meeting place which was the only room in the church.
Daddy said: Mose, don't you think we could use a few Sunday School Rooms?
And Mose said: "Shit Preacher, everbody had a place to sit."
Babdiss deacons, sooner or later they'll pull a knife on you almost ever time.
ButI think Mose is in heaven now; honest.
Cormac McCarthy woulda understood the story, and Ron Rash too.
Had an interesting discussion about parable and story and if a story can be redemptive without being spiritual. My fellow revenant said no cause spirt invokes the supernatural.
I wanted to find liberty in the mystery of communication and gnosis, another person in this world. The other revenant was more articulate, made the stronger case, but I think I'm right; the words just haven't come to me in proper sequence yet.
Should I say something about Martin Luther King this weekend and the anonymous fellow on the March from Selma to Montgomery who told what coulda been Marshall Frady or David Halberstam when asked in a low moment if he thought there was anything to gain in all of it in Montgomery. Fellow said: "We Won when we started walking."
ARe you walkin, or are you status quo?
That's what I been thinkin about
What about you and do you have the courage to attach your name to your responses????
Hope I don't abort the virtue of my original post here and conflate too much but some of you may want to comment on this deal, this trailer
In my mind it raises Jesse James question to that Coward Robert Ford:
"Do you wantto bee like Mee; or do you wantto bee me?"
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deacons. I'm sure there are some good ones. I've met several good ones, but most I wouldn't give you 2 cents for a room full of 'em. It was from a deacon I got the nickname of "Mad Dog" --- that was 25 years ago. He was mad. I was young. I was even more stubborn. More importantly, I was the only one who ever stood up to him. That's when he told me I was rabid like a "mad dog." The name stuck. I did have one deacon physically attack me one day because he didn't like all those "modern chorus" songs or the NIV. Of course, he said I was an apostate for not preaching an evangelistic sermon every week. Oh, well.
" "There Will Be Blood"
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9:54 AM
It is shortly after 1 pm where I'm at-and this post was put up today-Why has this comment been deleted?Isn't the blog world supposed to be a wide open forum where people can express their opinions without fear of reprisal-why was this post deleted?
Maybe you missed the "revenant's" point. Maybe you got it completely bass ackwards. Maybe your friend was saying that redemption is not necessarily a spiritual phenomenon because redemption can be real and of the world while spirituality is necessarily not of the world (i.e., SUPERnatural), even though it may be real. Redemption can be observable - when we see a flawed person give his life to save a child; when someone owns up to a wrong they've done, confesses. Spirituality, real or not, is not observable. To the extent it might be experienced, it is personal, within. It can't be quantified.
Of course, another drawback for you is you have to have some level of reading comprehension to understand what I'm saying and argue against it.
An Imaginary Number
"That's what I been thinkin about
What about you and do you have the courage to attach your name to your responses????
What about you?Do you have the courage to leave peoples comments up instead of deleting them when they disagree with you?
Anon 4:
I think it was Lucas Black as Jimmy Blevins who said in All the Pretty Horses:
"You don't know everthang"
I'll take Bach and St. Matthew's passion over your ass any damn day.
One more thing: I can comprehend.
Si Se Puede and I can too.
No Cussin
Who cussed?
" foxofbama said...
Anon 4:
I think it was Lucas Black as Jimmy Blevins who said in All the Pretty Horses:
"You don't know everthang"
I'll take Bach and St. Matthew's passion over your ass any damn day.
One more thing: I can comprehend.
Si Se Puede and I can too.
10:28 AM
You still didn't answer my question-Why do you delete posts?Shouldn't you give your readers the option of reading what people post to your blog?Whatever happened to the first amendment-The right to free speech-or are you afraid of the truth?
Sometimes an anonymous person writes something and then deletes it.
Comment deleted by the author.
If the administrator of the blog deletes it; it says something else.
And that is what you don't know about internet free speech and the 1st amendment and now maybe you do.
It was me. I deleted the 1st comment. It was mine. I made some serious typos & I can't stand doing that. So I deleted it & repoted it as comment #2.
"Sometimes an anonymous person writes something and then deletes it.
Comment deleted by the author.
If the administrator of the blog deletes it; it says something else.
And that is what you don't know about internet free speech and the 1st amendment and now maybe you do.
12:55 PM
Who died and made you the internet policy enforcer?If-and apparently that is a big if-you carefully read my comment-you would see that I was refering to the moderator of this blog and how he/she tends to delete-on a consistent basis-comments that don't agree with his/her beliefs-
By the way-whomever the moderator of this blog is-they are-I assume-a grown person-and can take care of their own self without having someone coming along and defending them-
If they can't-then they have no business having a blog where comments can be left.
"If you can't stand the heat-get out of the kitchen"
Okay friends and neighbors, this aint no juke joint blog I'm operatin here.
Let's be sweeter to one another.
We can have a little fun, but I'm for elevated and informed discourse so let's elevate a little.
That Baptist aint right is setting a good standard and I want him and his ilk to feel like they recognize a little civiliation when they pass through here.
"" foxofbama said...
Anon 4:
I think it was Lucas Black as Jimmy Blevins who said in All the Pretty Horses:
"You don't know everthang"
I'll take Bach and St. Matthew's passion over your ass any damn day.
One more thing: I can comprehend.
Si Se Puede and I can too."
10:28 AM
"Okay friends and neighbors, this aint no juke joint blog I'm operatin here.
Let's be sweeter to one another.
We can have a little fun, but I'm for elevated and informed discourse so let's elevate a little.
I totally agree with you-if we all could be a little more civil to each other this world would be a better place-Please get word to the person who made the top post(see the first thing I copy and pasted)-this person needs to read and understand what the moderator of this blog is saying-
Hey Fox,
Just saw, "There will be Blood". Frankly it reminds me of what Martin Luther King, Jr. said about the Southern Baptist Convention. He said, "the SBC was conceived in sin and shapened in iniquity." Of course maybe all institutions are evil like our good friend Will Campbell says. This certainly holds true for both the oil industry and Southern Baptist Convention. They began with deception, half-truths, the enslavement of poor people and greed. Daniel Day Lewis' character reminds me of modern day crude speculators, like their earliest predecessors, who do not mind being deceptive for one second (Bush, Cheney, Condi, Richard Pearl, etc, etc come to mind) and certainly do not mind the suffering they inflict on the unsuspecting. And like the preacher boy, who was both deceived and deceiver, both exploiter and exploited modern day SBC preachers wouldn't know the Gospel message of Jesus Christ if it bitch-slapped them on the way to deposit their hush money at the local Savings and Loan institution. Both institutions go to great lengths to keep the working masses enslaved and subservient to the power-broker whores who live in big houses, make lots of money and are nothing more than parasites on the backs of the working poor. Thanks, Steve Miller
An honor to have you comment here. It is obvious to me and you and Rocky Purvis, some Furman grads don't go the Chamber of Commerce Route.
My High School ADVANCED English teacher wrote in my Senior Annual:
No Need to Wish you success, it's a given.
They can never take that away from us, Bro: NEVER
Jesus and Will Campbell, Marshall Frady and Dot Day Uber Alles
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