Palin and Doug Carver; Kyle's Letter
My Grandfather WD Fox was a prayer warrior for the Salvation of Doug Carver chief US Army Chaplain which got featured tonight on PBS Newshour; Army chaplaincy that is.
I got an email not long ago from a person who has opportunity to see Palin regularly and the letter read like something from the Apostle Paul to the Church at Thessalonica or one of them churches.
Thing that bothers me is why some in the family keep pissin on Obama, callin him lipstick dipstick and much worse while teaching a Sunday School class in a church that the likes of Richard Jackson who baptized Cindy McCain helped pave the way for, even though the Palin forces showed Richard the door.
I was there in 88, I saw it; made my Daddy cry.
So I'm trying to figure it all out and why the Sunday School teacher would lie about things my sister said just wasn't so.
James Wood had some things to say about David in How Fiction Works. I don't think David was fiction; but it is interesting to consider the questions Wood raises.
Bible says in regard David, He that ruleth over Men must be just, ruling in the Fear of God.
Some members of my family will probably make it impossible for me to sit down with Palin and Doug Carver and talk about these matters, though Carver in 06 was about 17 miles down the Road at Wes Hamiter's Church for a Patriotic ralley.
Family will work to get the Warriors the honor.
But I do hope maybe Cousin Gordon Wood will have a chance to talk to Palin and Carver; whether Palin wins or loses. On his Mother's side Gordon is great nephew of former Treasurer of the State of South Carolina, a Democrat best i understand it.
Gordon is with the CBF which Richard Jackson loosely is affiliated with as opposed to the Fundamentalist branch of Baptists that placed Palin on the ticket through the latter day Texas Regulars, the Council for National Policy.
Would love for Gordon to represent the Baptist branch of the family my Daddy fell on cause he understood George W. Truett and could have an audience with my friends and acquaintances Randall Balmer and Charles Kimball.
I think Gordon is worthy; and as unblinking as she may be; I think it safe to say me and Chet Edwards think Palin and Doug Carver could learn a little from Kimball and Balmer.
I have to believe Marc Olson joins me in that sentiment.
So God Bless Gordon Wood and all the other 2nd and 3rd generation of Willie Dan Fox who led Doug Carver to Jesus, one branch of which now worships with Sarah Palin.
That is kinda how it is cuttin in my family; how about yours?
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