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Born May 18, 1953; got saved at Truett Memorial BC in Hayesville, NC 1959. On rigged ballot which I did not rig got Most Intellectual class of 71, Gaffney High School. Furman Grad, Sociology major but it was little tougher than Auburn football players had Had three dates with beautiful women the summer of 1978. Did not marry any of em. Never married anybody cause what was available was undesirable and what was desirable was unaffordable. Unlucky in love as they say and even still it is sometimes heartbreaking. Had a Pakistani Jr. Davis Cupper on the Ropes the summer of 84, City Courts, Rome Georgia I've a baby sitter, watched peoples homes while they were away on Vacation. Freelance writer, local consultant, screenwriter, and the best damn substitute teacher of Floyd County Georgia in mid 80's according to an anonymous kid passed me on main street a few years later when I went back to get a sandwich at Schroeders. Had some good moments in Collinsville as well. Ask Casey Mattox at if he will be honest about it. I try my best to make it to Bridges BBQ in Shelby NC at least four times a year.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Roseanne Cash and the New Jerusalem

Conflating a few recent experiences and muses here, but I hope this free association exercise is worth your while.
A few blogposts back I talked about Rick Bragg column on Collinsville's Trade Day in Southern Living. The essay is easily googled up as well as my comment there.
Since then My Knife salesman friend at Trade Day who moonlights as a Physics proff and biographer of Hitler Youth who have become American Citizens is developing his thoughts on Trade Day as a Saturday Educational enterprise.
I think he's on to something. He may share in Bragg's comment stream; or he has open invitation here.
One new friend at Trade Day is the wife of the man building the log cabins. We're trying to figure a way to get a picture up of the new work in progress.
They have roots in Blairsville and Pickens County Georgia. I spent three early years in nearby Hayesville and Momma had a cousin settle in Jasper where she saw John Jeffers and his wife at a funeral in 83 or so.
The lady said the F5 tornado that took out Piedmont, Alabama (Furman grad Kelly Clem was pastor of the Goshen UMC Church that got national attention) in 94 also destroyed her home in Pickens County, and killed 8 of her neighbors. I thought she said the little community outside Jasper was New Jerusalem but it's Jerusalem.
A friend of mine saw Johnny Cash daughter Roseanne in Arkansas couple weeks ago eating breakfast. He's just seen the work Roseanne and friends are doing to make historical site of Cash's homeplace. Roseanne Told Todd it needs some work and he agreed.
Roseanne was on NPR Fresh Air, repeat Friday talking about the list. I heard it the first time in 2009 but forgot she was a fan of Arvo Part, as is Michael Stipe and myself.
My Dad preached from the book of Revelation about the New Jerusalem. There is a tie in somewhere but I haven't perfected it in this post.
I'll keep working on it.

Friday, August 12, 2011

My Mother, Mary Katherine Reed, and Lottie Moon

A few years ago a vote came up in the Collinsville Baptist Church whether to stay with the SBC or fly solo.
One of my Mother's best friends from High School said no organization was perfect and she spoke to stay with the group that brought her to the dance.
Ms. Reed was the first woman in Dekalb County, Alabama to earn a doctorate. Hers was from Penn State and she was long time home economics teacher at University of Alabama.
My Mother received no formal education after High School, but the two were great friends in High School and held lifelong mutual respect.
I am convinced that both of them were they still with us upon reading Regina Sullivan's new book would break with the Southern Baptist Convention. My Mom broke long time ago; but I am convinced this would be the final straw for Mary Catherine.
Whether the Collinsville Study Clubs or WMU's of small town SBC America will read this book and act on their good sense and Baptist conviction who's to say. One has to hope they are having serious doubts about Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin's America and what it is doing to a once vibrant middle class.
If Lottie Moon were alive today who is she?
I nominate three women for starters.
Molly Marshall now at Central Seminary
Melissa Rogers of Wake Forest University
Hollyn Hollman of Jackson, Mississippi and the Baptist Joint Committee in D.C.
If you are a Baptist, get to know these women.
If you claim the Republican party of Abraham Lincoln, Judge Frank Johnson, even Eisenhower, get to know the great Baptist woman Lottie Moon as revealed by Regina Sullivan's new LSU published book on her.
Have your local library fast order a copy today as this is a strong compelling book about a woman who shaped her times beyond Baptist life and the regional South for the good.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Richard Shelby, Morning Joe and UMC Bishop Willimon

I called Senator Shelby's office in D.C. this morning and left a message that I would be blogging later on today so I don't want to disappoint them in case they take a look at my infamous blog.
I've asked the Senator Three of four Questions at Town Hall meetings over the last 20 odd years here in Alabama and early on wrote a letter that got published in the Bham News that I think caught the attention of his staff.
His staffer in D.C. was quite hospitable to me when I called last Thursday and I appreciate that.
The Senator spoke at Sylvania High School several years ago and there I asked him if he considered himself more a Bob Dole/Nancy Kassebaum kind of Republican or Jerry Falwell stripe. He went with Dole Kassebauam.
Now the question is framed well by Religion Dispatches in an easily googled piece about difference between Eisenhower and Demint Republicans.
I commend that piece to any U Bama Poli Sci student as they consider one of their most famous and powerful grads.
In Mentone Alabama two years ago the Senator made reference to his wife and how proud he was of her doctorate in History (I think). But he also said they trusted Fox News for their bearings.
I'm a little disturbed by that as well as the recent James Fallows Atlantic piece I'll link in a comment.
Would also direct the Senator's staff to UMC North Bama Bishop Willimon's peculiar prophet blog on Huntingdon College upcoming lectures by Wayne Flynt. And of course the Senator and the campus for which fellow alum Joe Scarborough recently praised the Senator for the money he has brought there will want to assess the Senator's news gathering favorite by the current cover story in Rolling Stone Magazine on Fox News.
I would also bring the Senator's audience attention to a piece by Howell Raines of December 1983 on Bear Bryant and George Wallace. Senator Shelby and Coach Saban may want to discuss that piece with Mrs. Dr. Shelby and some folks from History and Poli Sci departments at U Bama as they grapple with how to virtuosly with integrity be honest about how they position themselves in regard the Tea Party, if it is fair to say the Tea Party now has a lot in common with George Wallace of the sixties.
For more on that consider my friend Colin Harris recent piece easily googled at Ethics on immigration reform.
Frank Johnson was an Alabama Republican. Many consider him the 2nd greatest man to breathe the Air of Alabama in the 20th Century. I hope Shelby will use Johnson as the plumbline as he tacks and spins and governs with much influence in these delicate days in our Great Country.
Again, Senator Shelby has been gracious toward me in the past. Would be honored if someone from his staff actually reads this blog and takes a look at the references herein and makes a comment.
Hope things otherwise are well with all.