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Born May 18, 1953; got saved at Truett Memorial BC in Hayesville, NC 1959. On rigged ballot which I did not rig got Most Intellectual class of 71, Gaffney High School. Furman Grad, Sociology major but it was little tougher than Auburn football players had Had three dates with beautiful women the summer of 1978. Did not marry any of em. Never married anybody cause what was available was undesirable and what was desirable was unaffordable. Unlucky in love as they say and even still it is sometimes heartbreaking. Had a Pakistani Jr. Davis Cupper on the Ropes the summer of 84, City Courts, Rome Georgia I've a baby sitter, watched peoples homes while they were away on Vacation. Freelance writer, local consultant, screenwriter, and the best damn substitute teacher of Floyd County Georgia in mid 80's according to an anonymous kid passed me on main street a few years later when I went back to get a sandwich at Schroeders. Had some good moments in Collinsville as well. Ask Casey Mattox at if he will be honest about it. I try my best to make it to Bridges BBQ in Shelby NC at least four times a year.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Jeff Sessions and Adolph Rupp

  I saw Glory Road again today, the Basketball movie about the West Texas Miners and how they beat Mighty Kentucky of Pat Riley and Rupp in the early 60s. Great ending. Rupp trying to hold on like Jeff Sessions is now but history was passing him by.

   And Tom Brokaw and Ken Burns just endorsed Speake Alabama's Lucas Black on Morning Joe Friday. Yall know Joe, proud Southern Baptist and UBama grad. I think his bro an alum too. Friend of Saban and Paul Finebaum; the Finebaum who says Coach Nick voted for President Obama

    Fast forwad to the upcoming vote on Immigration and the Dream Act. Sessions is the voice of South Alabama Timber owners and the vestiges of the White Citizens council now in the guise of theTea Party. Check Eunie Smith's  history and take the sheen off Kris Kobach.

    The Miners this year could be the Three peating Collinsville Panthers soccer team. ClintDempsey has heard of them and Daniel Alarcon.

     Hey staff of Sessions, look it up.

    Great morality tale playing out again in Bama, and folks from Will Willimon to 's founding extended family Melissa Rogers have Sessions number.

    Would be sad if all internationals boycott the winning U Bama athletic program and a few of Saban's top picks get the point of who calls the shots for Sessions and Shelby.

     Don't hold the Collinsville Soccer team and their brothers and sisters hostage to shenanigans about the border. Dream Act now, Sens Sessions and Shelby and the Bama Tea Party delegation.

   Ask Chick Fil A. Ask Willimon. Visit The whole world will be watching, even the George W. Bush Library staff.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Barr's Big Day

I'm gonna stream some comments I've made here and there today on the dedication of the W43 Lybury in Dallas.  I was hoping to be in Gainesville Ga today for the 30th anniversary of Baptists Today. Wanted to hear Kate Campbell sing Kris Kristofferson's song about Jesus and Martin, My God They Killed him. But been a rough last 6 weeks

    So W and Barr:

Barr is stealing the day at the Library Dedication at SMU. First she tells her Granddaughters on The Today Show Jeb shouldn't run, there are other families out there that need a shot; then she gets seated beside President Obama and starts a running conversation on the dais with Barry thats driving Hardball on MSNBC goofy and got Beschloss and all the Presidential historians tryin to figure out what they're havin so much fun about. I think Barr just told Barry her Moonlightin taxidermist joke

And more facebook postings for todays blog fodder.

Good proportion on the dais: Three Democrats and Two Republicans. W in good humor and you could see the respect and admiration Laura had for President Obama as he was speaking. I am proud of W. today. The 2000 S.C. primary is still a matter of some mystery and intrigue to me, his speech at Bob Jones and Jimmy Eptein's boy at North Greenville asking W. if he had accepted Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. W. made a stop in Gaffney that year; and Bob Peeler was the first he shook hands with on the PBS documentary about the S.C. Primary
  • Bush's ambassador to Canada married a girl from Gaffney, Susan Clary. I've had an email exchange with David Wilkins this week. Still Atwater wrote that memo to the Reagan Bush committee in 84 and Karl Rove is a turd blossom. But Karl Rove knows Eric Motley by name, and Eric Motley knows two good friends ofmine by name, one a lifelong friend now on the faculty of Furman Religion Department.
  • So God Bless America.....I talked to President Carter Sept 30. Thought he did a good job too.

I liked George. I saw the Movie W. I like Laura but thought Barr stole the day early on the Today show. Chris Matthew finally cut loose about 40 minutes ago and put it all in perspective. 43 shoulda never been President but James Baker of Rice University got to Florida and made it so. I have more thoughts on my wal. Even under the circumstances it was a great day for America. Trish Nixon and the LBJ girls were there. Michelle didn't look too happy. Barr and Barry had a good chat. Weather was nice. All in all great day for America, under the circumstances.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Immigration prayer for Jeff Sessions

   In Baptist world and beyond Wednesday night is prayer meeting. So I called several folks last night after hearing reports on NPR about the rallies nationwide for immigration reform yesterday.

   I called Trinka Payton of the Liberty Hill Baptist Church in Collinsville, Alabama and asked her to mentions Sessions in prayer

I texted my friend Randall Balmer at Dartmouth.

Called a friend in Bham and caught him at the Barrons game at the new field, but he said he would pray during the 7th inning stretch.

Tried to get word to Malcolm Argo of the FBC Americus, Georgia

My Presbyterian friend in Raleigh John Baker, texted him and asked him to get Ernie to pray.

     Senator Jeff Sessions is on the wrong side of History on immigration reform. Children who have been in our public schools since 6th grade and have done their work and demonstrated character have earned their citizenship, no further questions, no sabotage by the border fence.

   I am convinced the Judge Frank Johnson of page 120 of Taylor Branch's The King Years is speaking from the grave to tell Sessions his version of "The Law" doesn't allow for the circumstances that gave Johnson the Lincolnesque moment to stand up to George Wallace's lawyers at Key Moment in the Selma Struggle.

If Senator Sessions wants some Christian input in this moment, invite UMC Bama Bishop Willimon to testify under oath before Congress what he saw in Bama

Invite Robert Parham of ethics the son in law of former Bama SBC Prez Walter Nunn to testify.

Read my Indian Springs blog here at this site.

Senator, John C Calhoun is dead. Long live Martin King and Judge Frank Johnson, and the saints on the Justice Porch of the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.

Let Freedom Ring.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

April 4, 1968, Gaffney South Carolina

   The pastorium for Bethany Baptist Church of 205 Dogwood Drive had four phones in the sixties, one in the kitchen, one downstairs in the basement between the stairwell and the garage, one in Daddy's study and one in his and Momma's Bedroom. It was the bedroom phone I answered late afternoon 45 years ago. Sandra Darwin, one of the church members said Stephen I know yall are kinda fond of the colored people and if you haven't heard yet Martin Luther King has been killed.

   I thanked her for calling.

   My Daddy was a Baptist preacher and I knew good preachin when I heard it and MLKing was a fabulous preacher. And what he said mattered. I was in the 9th grade, the last year of segregation in Gaffney. Things had been interesting in Gaffney for some time as I found out a few years ago in Tim Tyson's essay in Jumpn Jim Crow. But I had no idea at the time. I just knew King could preach and Daddy would come in on occasion from a conference talking about what Marney had said and Uncle Prentice and Uncle Gordon would have some intense conversation at my Grandfathers in Rome Georgia when the extended family got together.

Both of them were preachers too.

I've read a lot about Martin, from Marshall Frady's bio, to the early Garrow piece and recently Pulitzer Taylor Branch's The King Years. Frady and Branch in particular soar.

In 86 I moved to Bama and not long after was downtown and heard a Baptist deacon say, and could easily been April 4 87 as Momma was still livin and it was this time of year: I say we dig the nigger up and shoot him again.  One of his buddies later said it was a joke; maybe the deacon had a Django Unchained side to him I never quite go.

Last year a Moslem friend and I went to Selma to walk across the Bridge, a highlight of my stay on this earth. I was there with John Lewis and Ethel Kennedy and about 100 thousand other people.

This morn I called John Lewis office in D.C. Talked to an Emory grad from Charleston, S.C. Told him to get word to John was proud of him for speaking at Ga Tech today, and it had crossed my mind as I'm sure Lewis knew well, had King not been assassinated, on April 5 68 he planned to be in Winder, Ga

I've heard my friend Kate Campbell sing the Kris Kristofferson song My God they Killed Him. I hope to be in a room with some good Baptists in Gainesville Ga April 25, The Governor Nathan Deal's home congregation. If she don't sing it after a few numbers I may call it out from the audience.

Monday, April 01, 2013

Indian Springs, 18-2

     Indian Springs, one of the most elite prep schools in Bama, came to Collinsville Friday night with a record of 18-1, and left 18-2. Collinsville defeated them 3-0 in a signature win for the historic, record setting and always improving all Hispanic Public High School team. Two years ago Collinsville made state history as the first 1-a School to get to the semifinals. That year Indian Springs beat them 7-2.

   It is developing into a good rivalry and I hope it continues. The few parents I talked to during the game were awfully nice people and one mom and dad had just taken their senior to tour my alma mater Furman, though he is leaning toward Washington and Lee where hopefully he will take a journalism class with Doug Cumming. Cumming and I are big fans of the legend Marshall Frady.

    IS is the alma mater of the great novelist from Peru Daniel Alarcon. Alarcon wrote a great piece on eve of 2010 World Cup for the New Republic about soccer and radio in 50's Peru. I went on his facebook wall today say, guess what; we beat you (smile).

      Got word through intermediaries to Governor Bentley and left word with Collinsville Mayor Traffanstedt to take a look at this blog.

     Gonna post on Senator Lindsay Graham of S.C. as well as I got a one to pick with him on Immigration reform. He and Bishop Willimon need to sit down with Jeb Bush and Chic Fil A's Dan Cathy and get the Dream Act Plank of the Path To Citizenship ironed out. Our Collinsville Panthers are exhibit A many Hispanics in America have earned their citizenship and put a stamp on it; no further questions need be asked.

   Here is an excerpt from a feature on Coach Little and the Collinsville Soccer program from last Wedsnesday's lengthy feature in the Ft. Payne Times Journal.

Joseph Wehby moved from Lebanon to the United States with his family when he was a child. His wife, Ann, is from LaFayette, Ga.

Their daughter, Julie, began playing soccer in third grade and joined her first travel team in high school. She attended high school at her father’s alma mater — John Carroll Catholic in Birmingham — and split time between the JV and varsity as a sophomore before starting full time for the varsity as a junior and senior.

Julie married state trooper Micah Little in July 2009. She takes pride in her Lebanese heritage.

“To me, it’s very much a part of who I am,” she said. “My grandparents died in February and April before Micah and I got married in July. I miss them every day. The life they worked to build for them and their family in the United States made a big impression on who I am.

“Because my dad and grandparents were immigrants, I’m emphatic to the situation in which some of my players find themselves.”

     End of quote. Come back and or follow the comments on this blogpost. Hope it gets a wide read.