Immigration prayer for Jeff Sessions
I called Trinka Payton of the Liberty Hill Baptist Church in Collinsville, Alabama and asked her to mentions Sessions in prayer
I texted my friend Randall Balmer at Dartmouth.
Called a friend in Bham and caught him at the Barrons game at the new field, but he said he would pray during the 7th inning stretch.
Tried to get word to Malcolm Argo of the FBC Americus, Georgia
My Presbyterian friend in Raleigh John Baker, texted him and asked him to get Ernie to pray.
Senator Jeff Sessions is on the wrong side of History on immigration reform. Children who have been in our public schools since 6th grade and have done their work and demonstrated character have earned their citizenship, no further questions, no sabotage by the border fence.
I am convinced the Judge Frank Johnson of page 120 of Taylor Branch's The King Years is speaking from the grave to tell Sessions his version of "The Law" doesn't allow for the circumstances that gave Johnson the Lincolnesque moment to stand up to George Wallace's lawyers at Key Moment in the Selma Struggle.
If Senator Sessions wants some Christian input in this moment, invite UMC Bama Bishop Willimon to testify under oath before Congress what he saw in Bama
Invite Robert Parham of ethics the son in law of former Bama SBC Prez Walter Nunn to testify.
Read my Indian Springs blog here at this site.
Senator, John C Calhoun is dead. Long live Martin King and Judge Frank Johnson, and the saints on the Justice Porch of the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.
Let Freedom Ring.
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