Bama Speaker Hubbard, Trayvon Martin and War Eagle
Mike has a very comfortable living off tax payer supported Auburn University. He has privatized for all practical purposes their Sports Information Department with the Auburn Network. He benefits from the SEC which places 17 0f 22 people of color on the football field on any given Saturday. Most of those POC's are themselves Trayvon Martin, the brother of Trayvon Martin or have several Trayvon Martin's in their extended family.
I'm not Jesus. I believe in original sin just like Hubbard does and I guess the ministerial staff of his Methodist church. I hear the wife of the last coach at Auburn was big on original sin. On several occasions I've spoken to Bishop Willimon, read the collected sermons of the Duke Chapel and know from him and Mark Morgan the Bishop believes in Original Sin so I am a sinner just like Mike.
But the proportionality of the thing and what Bonhoeffer and the Apostle Paul said about wrestling with Princes and Principalities and the Powers of Darkness in this world.
So Mike that brings me to say I think you are part of the Darkness at the moment in Alabama. And what I didn't have the capacity to convey in this blog, Jelani Cobb does beautifully in a New Yorker piece in the current issue. I'm gonna call Joe and tell him to be reading with you. Hoping you and Wayne Flynt and Taylor Branch can panel on the matter soon. BTW looking for your book; want to read it soon. In the meantime send somebody out for Blum and Harvey's The Color of Christ. Intro is unforgettable sermon for you on the heels of the Jelani Cobb piece and tea party stategies in Bama
Two links for the Speaker
One, Jelani Cobb's exquisite definitive piece:
and the piece I asked Gov Bentley about when he came to Ft Payne couple weeks ago. Every rising generation of Alabamians, red yellow black and white should know how Jimmy Lee Jackson came to die and how a flippant dismissal of the voting rights act is so eggregious especially by a man who makes his money the way Mike Hubbard does
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