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Born May 18, 1953; got saved at Truett Memorial BC in Hayesville, NC 1959. On rigged ballot which I did not rig got Most Intellectual class of 71, Gaffney High School. Furman Grad, Sociology major but it was little tougher than Auburn football players had Had three dates with beautiful women the summer of 1978. Did not marry any of em. Never married anybody cause what was available was undesirable and what was desirable was unaffordable. Unlucky in love as they say and even still it is sometimes heartbreaking. Had a Pakistani Jr. Davis Cupper on the Ropes the summer of 84, City Courts, Rome Georgia I've a baby sitter, watched peoples homes while they were away on Vacation. Freelance writer, local consultant, screenwriter, and the best damn substitute teacher of Floyd County Georgia in mid 80's according to an anonymous kid passed me on main street a few years later when I went back to get a sandwich at Schroeders. Had some good moments in Collinsville as well. Ask Casey Mattox at if he will be honest about it. I try my best to make it to Bridges BBQ in Shelby NC at least four times a year.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Conflating Jonathan and Ryan on EVE of Atlanta Covenant

If you look at what Jonathan is saying here
Click on his title for the whole starter there and once there follow the responses.

No. The proper allegory for C.R.
by Jonathan on Sun Jan 27, 2008 4:42 am
is Charlie Wilson's war.Read the book haven't finished the movie yet. But do you know that part toward the end where the CIA op is finally getting around to that parable of the Zen master, the little boy, and the horse? That's what is going on in my beloved SBC.We all have blind spots and love the idea of a final victory but that's just the flesh seducing us to sleep while the war marches on. So we were able to elect conservative SBC presidents from 1979 on. Now what? We were able elect conservative trustees to every agency. Now what? We were able to bring all agencies into a single owner agreement with the Executive Committee. Now what? .... No matter that their own theology (and the theology that they advocate) is within the bounds of the BFM2k.I still love my SBC and am grateful to those who work and sacrificed to rescue it from the direction it was heading in the 60s and 70s. But there are higher authorities than earthly heroes.

And you conflate it with what Memphis Declaration signer Ryan Hales is saying in his Jan 27 entry at his blog

you have some interesting questions for Richard Land, Karl Rove and Al Mohler.

I have done what I can to stoke the conversation at John Killian's blog and the blog of Wade Burleson, even inviting Ben Cole to the conversation.

Will be a lot to talk about in the corridors of the SBC Covenant in Atlanta, even in addition to Bill Clinton's speech Friday Night.


Blogger That Baptist Ain't Right said...

I am planning on being there Thurs & Fri, but I fear I am coming down with a serious malady. I hope to be well enough to be there. Kids bring home all sorts of evil things -- not just some of their friends either but colds, flu, viruses, etc.


7:43 PM  

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